***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about this


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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

I've taken the complete next day off to look due to sickness. And that sickness was after 6 hours of looking for an animal and being unsuccuessful locating it. I spent that day looking as well. Sunrise to sunset.

In fact, I almost quit hunting because I was so sick.

I almost sold all of my guns and gear.

Give the animal the respect it deserves. Respect the decision you make every time you pull the trigger or let an arrow fly. Make that be your best shot or don't take it. Be your own hunting hero and do what is right.

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Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

On the first day of my week long hunt this year I shot a doe at about ten yards. As she ran away I saw the impact point and was satisfied with the placement. After darkness fell I got down from my tree to find the arrow and was horrified. I had very little blood and stomach contents on it. I have never shot one like this before. I looked for about 50 yds to see if there was any sign. After finding none I decided to come back in the morning so as not to push her if she was bedded close by. I searched the next day and found nothing. No deer no sign and nothing in the thicket and bramble that suggested a direction that she had fled. Two days later I shot a doe that was standing in the exact same spot and hit her in the exact same spot and she only went 75 yards and died within sight. I still don't understand what happened to the first one. My only thought is that one or more of the coyotes in the area pushed her out of her death bed and ran her off of the property. I guess I will never know.

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Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

A common factor in these post is that they all say "we lost the blood". You dont have to have a good blood trail or even a blood trail to find a deer. The doe I shot this year didnt leave a blood trail till I was about 30 feet away from her. I shot her from 20 feet in my stand but did not think about the fact she was down hill from me. This caused my arrow to come in at a high angle. I had to just go by what I knew. Where she was standing and what direction she ran. I followed a trail of prints and kicked up leaves.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest IllinoisMackDaddyHunter

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about this

couldnt agree more. We as sportsman should have alot respect for game. We are very fortunate to have the freedom to enjoy an awesome hobby like deer hunting. keep it simple be safe,shoot well, and make it a quick clean humane kill.

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Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

I have lost deer when hunting it is part of hunting, not a part I enjoy but its a fact. Maybe some of you are just that good that it dosnt happen to you. But I can say it happens to me. And I dont see how anybody could say how long is long enough to look for a deer unless they are there! If this is a part of hunting you dont want on your web page then fine but it is a part of hunting. I lost a spike this year and looked for hours in the rain. I found that buck

5 days later when i smelled him going in to hunt. He had gone to the neighbors property and came back the next day or night. I checked my sights when I got where i was going and all was well. I felt good on the shot but something happend. Bad shot maybe but at 15 yards I just cant beleive that. Perhaps a branch maybe i jumped the shot I dont know. I am not bragging just telling the truth. I felt bad about it but it dosnt stop me from trying again. I love hunting and wish it was perfect but its not. I wish everybody could get there deer.

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Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

i have lost deer before also and it makes you feel horriably but know for those hard to find blood trails

i ust go get "buddy" my black lab mix only had to use him once and that was this year got a phone call from a friend that had a bad hit (so he thought) so we waited till morning deer was laying 75 yards from where he shot him he makes a good shed hunting dog to i hope this march will be his first time out

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Guest wolbear

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

I've taken some "iffy" shots, but we all have! When dropping your pins on a whitetail, buck or doe, you do your best with the given circumstances! Sometimes you watch the animal fall, other times you have a long tracking job! The farthest I've ever tracked a deer is 4 mile. Believe it or not, good shot placement, just behind the right front shoulder and exited thru the left front shoulder. I had a complete pass thru and a starting blood trail like I've never seen before. This animal broke all the rules, uphill, crossed roadways, thru open fields and ditches. I think by giving it your all, you get rewarded. There are those occassions where no matter how hard you try, things just don't work out and you're left empty handed. I look at it this way, yes, I will trail a wounded deer for days, but my realitives don't. If they can look themselves in the mirror and say they feel good, that's their perogative.

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Guest Illinois1958

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

All we can do is our best. If you know that gave it your all to recover the animal then you deserve to hunt again. We will all lose animals, it happens.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest PSE_Archer

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

I couldn't agree more! Hunters like that give archery and hunting in general a bad name...and PETA more ammo to use against us. And believe me, they don't need more ammo!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

About 5 years ago me and dad were coming back fro work, to make a long story short we seen two bucks, one was a nice 8 pointer, probably in the 125-130 range.He was in a treeline beside the road.The other took a doe out into a weedpatch and laid down, he was one of the largest bucks Ive seen in these parts ever.He was a monster.

The plan was for dad to try to shoot the smaller one as I pushed it to him and then I would try sneaking in on the big one.Dad got an arrow in the one he was after but it just went through a flap of skin near the bottom of the deer, the arrow actually fell out when the deer crossed the road.

We knew it wasnt a lethal shot, not even a crippling shot.The big one was still laying out there, by walking behind the corn bin I could easily walk up within about 30 yrds of him undetected.Instead I spent the next 4 hours tracking the other one for 1 1/2 miles across the next section, as long as I was finding blood I stayed on the trail, at times I was following nothing but tracks.I never even gave much thought to the one I didnt get to go after till a couple days later.

If you draw blood on a deer, even if you know its a bad shot and odds are youll never recover it, you owe it to the animal to stick with it untill the trails completely gone.We never found that buck, didnt even expect to, but it was the right thing to do IMO.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about this

Another thing to remimber be DETAILED about your story when you shoot a deer and cant re-cover it and you put off a good shot or misplaced the shot. Becouse some may jump the gun and say things that shouldent really need to be said becouse everyone has or will have it happen to them. All it is people may misunderstand what you are saying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

I agree too, every time someone goes out to enjoy the "Spirit of The Wild". Things are not always going to work out, as you planned. No matter what you hunt there is always, that chance you might not find it. As hunters all we can do is apply what we know. Learn from our mistakes and love our families and friends. I have to admit I've only been bow hunting since 2000, I'm 40 now. While I was serving overseas during "Enduring Freedom" my best friend would always tell me. Once he got back he was going to do some bow hunting. I would tell him I've never done it, but I would love to go. Since then, I have enjoyed bow hunting, and meeting different people. The friendship, that bond you get with friends, and other hunters you get to me. Is the same I had with my fellow Marines during my career during combat and at home. Bless you all!!! I love bow hunting!!!! grin.gif

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Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

THIS IS A GREAT TOPIC! to many wont go that extra mile or two.took a 6point openin night of2006 hit him a litel forward.it looked good. tracked 150 yd an jumed him .decided to come back in the a.m. well it rained allnight and half the next day. i got my two boys both in there 20s and 1good budy it took us 5 hrs but we found him in the cattails next to the lake

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

ive lost 3 deer this year.. all was a boy shot. 7 point. and two does. idk what happened i messed up.. mad makes you want to just quick and pick up your rifle..but i killed my share.i messed up on the 7 point with was my falt shot him at an angle and shot him a little far back but the does. i dont know what happened... found blood lots of it just no deeer.

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Re: ***Here is a touchy subject...lets talk about

I am new to this forum stuff too. I have been hunting since I was about 10ish. I lost my first deer witha bow last year. I looked from about 4:00pm until about 12 in the morning. The very next day I was back at it at sunup,and looked until dark that night,to no good end. The shot I took was a 40 yard shot, some may say it is a long shot,but I had a wide open shot, slightly quqrtering away. The arrow hit 6 inches behind the shoulder maybe a little further. I tracked that deer for almost 2 and a half miles before the trail just disappeared, I mean no tracks,no scuff marks in the leaves nothing.So I understand where you are coming from. I have been rambling long enough sooooo.

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