Horn Fondling


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Do you ever find yourself late at night-the lights dimmed-comfortably dressed-a 'monster bucks dvd on the tube-the mood is set for you to fondle your shed collection. Nothing like looking at bucks on the wall while looking over the sheds you've found. It usually peaks right now just after season and hopefully abates around X-mas. If you or someone you know exhibits this behavior please contact Mrs. Superguide or Mrs. Saskman as they are forming a support group 'Horn Fondler's Widows' lol. grin.gif

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Re: Horn Fondling

This time of year is the worst. I'm sitting at home, tagged out and shed season is still months away. Fondling my sheds is the only way I can maintain my sanity. LOL! Nothing like holding a 100 inch shed in your hands and imagining the buck that used to pack that on his head.

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Re: Horn Fondling

I am busy going through my collection for the little guys to hang on the tree.Wait till you guys see this X-mas tree.Mrs. Sasksheds is going all out this year.We aquired an Artificial tree this year from a freind.We always have a real tree!So this one goes down stairs.Well downstairs is My hunting haven.So nothin doing the tree is going to be an outdoor theme with shed horns,bears,moose,wolves,deer,fish.I'm not exagerating when I say she's bought over 600$ worth of ornaments for the tree.Heres the kicker,we're leaving for B.C. in 2 weeks for the holidays.It will only be up for 2 weeks.I will take pics & post them when it is done.

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Re: Horn Fondling

Those pics are classic.

My daughter is 6 and found her first shed all by herself this past summer. I was sooo proud of her.

Lets post up some pics of your collections. It seems only us Canadian boys are the diehard shedhunters on here anyways. wink.gif Here's a pic from a few summers ago. I have to have a new photo session to update with some of my more recent giants.


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