Turbo nocks ??


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Pictured here is a Turbo Dead-X.

As you can see the nock groove is twisted. When you load the arrow it kinda screws onto the bow string. This produces an instant twist when the arrow is released. The vanes are shaped like a propeller which works very well.

You will have to use either a fall away rest or a bisquit type rest if you want to use Turbos.


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Re: Turbo nocks ??

turbo nocks were thought up and designed by nick snook and it is a wonderful addition to my archery world. the average rate or spin on an arrow is between 1 1/2 to 2 rpms in 20 yards. the turbo nock will have two full rpms in the first 5 feet of release which will create more stabilization much quicker than the fletched arrow and there for give you the kind or rpms like in a bullet. also with the turbo nock i have found that your trajectory is much flatter than with a regular fletched arrow. if you decide to try them your going to love them for sure and if your shooting them thru a drop away i have found for my set up about a 1/8th inch high nocking point have created the best results for me. also i would recommend the mirage from golden key futura as the best rest i have found to shoot off of. the site is www.turbonock.com give them a look see and i think you will like what you see. if you need any help at all you can reach me at [email protected]

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