Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!! . *****With Pictures *********


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Well at work today I was cutting cardboard with a utility knife. I had the blade out just a little bit to far and it broke and knife hit my thumb. Split that baby wide open. I went to the doc and ended up gettin 7 stitches/sutures. There was blood all over and i just stood there holding my thumb. I went to my boss and told her "I think i need to go get stitches."

It was definitly not the smartest thing I have ever done. I look back now and keep thinking to myself man that was dumb. I can post pics tommorow when I clean it if anyone would like too see.


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Re: Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!! That was dumb.

jeez....i know the feeling...the other day i just about sawded my thunb of while cutting a board....the saw jumped a hit my thumb and jumoped 3 more times on my thumb making 3 more cuts..i bend my thump to look at the gash and it was deeo but there was no blood...i was like alright and kepy cutting...all the sudden i felt something warm going into my hands and all over my board...looked at my thumb and blood was just a gushing...

hope the thumb gets better soon...post some pics!...lol

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Guest huntinsanobsession

Re: Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!! That was dumb.

were i work we have safty knives that are spring loaded so as soon as the blade comes out of what you are cutting it retracts back into the knive

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Re: Some pics of the wound

well here are some pics. i needed to let it air out for a little bit because my skin was soggy around it so i thought might as well take some pics now.




As you can see it went across my knuckle sideways so I am kinda worried about when I get the stitches out, when I bend my thumb if it will open back up or how much I will be able to bend my thumb.


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