new to hunting


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I just bought a firestorm this season, my first bow too. It's an excellent little hunting bow, shoots true and it's nice and light.

Just make sure it fits you (draw length, etc..) have a pro set it up for you, with such a small bow that may be an issue. Other than that it's an excellent bow.

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Re: new to hunting

Ryno, first off welcome. This may sound similar to REFLEX DUDE but im 21 and started deer hunting when I was 12. This was the first year that I really start to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and started seeing some monster bucks. I was lucky enough to have a shot at a 150 class 10 pt with my bow, and harvest a 160bc 11 with my gun. everyone here has great idea so dont be afraid to pick anyones brain. AS FAR AS YOUR BOW GOES. I would tell you to go to a local pro shop and get fitted first. Find your proper draw length, and find out how much pounddage your comfortable with. Then if you can shoot several bows. When its all said and done im sure you will have picked out a HOYT

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