rifle rest bags


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I just bought a Caldwell " The Rock " front rifle rest. It came with a free front bag, but it was empty. I filled it with some fine sand. I really don't like it, the sand compacs too much and makes the top of the bag to hard, no give to it. Anyone in here use the front and back rifle rest and what did you put in for filler ? I thought using bb's ??


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Re: rifle rest bags

Heavy sand is the standard for benchrest shooters. Its not supposed to have a lot of give. It should be firm. As the gun recoils it will adjust as needed to shift around.

As your bags get some use, they will become broken in The leather will expand slightly and it will be easier to use.

Good form for using front and rear bags is crutial to achieving the est accuracy. I use a bullseye level to start the process and level the rest. You need to set up the rests so your gun can move forwards and backwards easily and while doing so the verticle reticle in the scope should not go off the bulls eye. If it skews left or right, its not set up correctly. Or the bag is grabbing the stocks.

When shooting, make sure the front sling swivel is far enough in front of the front bag so it does not make contact during recoil. I sometimes remove it all together while shooting. For the rear bag, take your weak hand and curl it back under the rifle and control the fine adjustments of verticle error by squeezing the bags to lower the reticle on the bulls eye.

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