Learned my lesson today, always bring your wallet.


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Well today my brother was gonna go out and buy a new truck, which he did buy a 2006 Super Cab F-150. We went to Bloomington, Indiana cause mom wanted to do her shopping and dropped me off at the big sporting goods store. I went into the store and went right to the hunting section. I walked up to their small selection of bows and picked up a Reflex Highlander, this bow is on my list to get, but I put it back and picked up another Reflex and this was the Grizzly, if I'm not mistaken I think the Highlander replaced the Grizzly, but I really like the feel of the Grizzly over the the Highlander. This was also a packaged bow... came with a Toxonic Sight with Level on bottom, Trophy Taker, Shaky Hunter Rest and a Trophy Ridge Xchanger Stabilizer, all for $400.00

The feel felt just right to me, felt like having a budlight beer in my right hand and a ball park frank in the other hand.

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Re: Learned my lesson today, always bring your wal



So I guess you DIDN'T get the bow.

I never go ANYWHERE without my wallet...ok...maybe to the fridge. grin.gif

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Nope, but really wish I did... loved the way the grizzly felt in my hands.

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You really should shoot it ... next time take the wallet


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