Yes it does affect you.


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The post about Wal-Mart has split and lost it's topic, so I figured I would just start a new one.

The decision Wal-Mart made does affect us all.

Anytime you hear, see or experiece anything it changes you in some way. Take language for instance. When my daughter was 4 years old she spoke nearly perfect english. Her usage and grammer skills were better than most adults and she even correct my speech when I was wrong.

I moved to my current job when she was in the 1st grade. Our school is about 80% black and about 85% poverty. After about the first month we started the "Great Ebonics War". "I am" became "I be", We are became "We is" and so on. 3 years later we are still fighting the war with her and with ourselves. I've caugh myself telling kid "You be doin that wrong". It kills me, but I've done it. blush.gif

Now back to topic. When we or our kids see things like, Ellen, Rosie, Will & Grace, "Next" (show about blind dating where gay couples are often on the show) the perception of homosexuality changes. They tell us that not only is it ok, but but that it's also natural. When these people make fun of people who don't agree with this perversion, they are telling you and your kids that not only is it natural, but that it's right.

Even our language is differnent. Do you remember the sick feeling you felt the first time you heard "alternate lifestyle"? I do. Or what about the new catch phrase "Metrosexual"? This is an attempt to take the line that has been made grey over the past 30 years and erasing it. Metrosexuality is the absence of preference and the willingness to change partners with no reguards. It is being herolded as the "New sexuality" This sort of ambiguity is a direct attack on the morality of America. This is what holywood is pushing on you and your kids every day.

What does wal-mart have to do with that?

When they decided to give discounts to homosexuals this is what it said to me.

"Not only is homosexuality normal and natural, but it's actually preferable to heterosexuality. It so preferable that we will give homosexuals a better deal so that they can make more money than the lesser heterosexuals."

Any time big buisness says this, it changes the preception of the act.

In the absence of moral leadership people will follow the loudest voice.

Fight the fight every day or you will lose.

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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

Re: Yes it does affect you.

well my response to this post is gonna be in example somewhat to a post i saw recently in the lounge...aboud the grandfather with his grandchildren...tellin them about the fight inside him and this somewhats sounds like it...only its different things fighting in thins case....whats right is fighting against what we've all been taught is wrong...and whichever one get the most power is the one that will win.


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Re: Yes it does affect you.

Sorry to hear you are raising your children exposed to conditions that are obviously having a negative effect on them John. I am afraid this country with what is becoming viewed as somewhat common and to some as acceptable is due to people just not caring anymore. This country is not the same place it was when I was growing up, and I am only 37 years old.

Personally I try to let my kids know what I view as right and wrong. I try to enforce rules and give them a strong sense of ethics and morals and give them an opportunity to be in better schools so they will have a brighter future. No fun being the bad guy as a parent, and unfortunately too many parents are not being parents anymore, but are instead being their kids buddies and allowing their kids to get away with things that you or I would have gotten our hides tanned for. Too much liberal garbage and too much from the evil organization aclu has led to these what some call rights for the wrong reasons, but just because that type of thing is out there does not mean that you and I and anyone else cannot continue to be a parent and teach your kids and continue to enforce right and wrong.

I chose to care, and my kids often don't like it, but later in life just like myself they will understand and appreciate that I wore their tails out and that I came down hard on them for doing wrong. They will if I can help it have strong morals and values and they will have opportunities in good schools, even though I am having to spend nearly 2 hours a day driving them to and from school.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


Sorry to hear you are raising your children exposed to conditions that are obviously having a negative effect on them John

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We all are, just not the same conditions. We just have to keep plugging away constantly.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.



Sorry to hear you are raising your children exposed to conditions that are obviously having a negative effect on them John

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We all are, just not the same conditions. We just have to keep plugging away constantly.

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OK, I understand what you are saying, but not sure you are understanding exactly what I meant John.

See if I can better help you understand what I am trying to say here. My kids could ride a bus, or could go to a different school system that is closer to our home. Our land is in two districts, the city district is closer to our home, the percentage of lower income families and blacks are a bit higher than they are in the county district where our kids are going, but we are making the sacrifice and I am driving about 80 miles a day in a vehicle that gets 15 mpg, spending roughly 2 hrs a day going to and from schools.

Is it discriminating on my part to drive the distances to take my kids to the better schools? I personally don't think so when the school offers a better opportunity for them to learn, this in my opinion is just giving them more for their future, and maybe keeping them from some of those bad influences you are mentioning. If my kids had to go to the other school, we would likely move. The other school system has problems with interracial couples in the schools, crime and drug problems, and teen pregnancies in students as where the school system my kids are going to has some of the better statewide statistics in achievement scores and they just do not have the same problems in regards to teen pregnancies, crime and drug problems, and being that there are very few minorities you do not see any interracial couples. My point is that we chose to send our kids to a better school to have a more positive influence. I cannot understand why you or anyone who has the opportunity NOT to, would move your kids into a system that has less to offer and has lower achievement would do so if there was any way you could possibly help it.

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Guest INHunterman

Re: Yes it does affect you.

I'm just going by what I see in todays society.It used to be a black man would work hard for his family, have decent values, and still be ridiculed for being black. Now most( not all) black people are content at being in poverty and don't do a thing about it except beg for handouts and say they are "disadvantaged". Most "especially younger african americans" embrace a culture of "gangsta's and ho's", foul language and other perversions. They're not inherently bad, they're born into it. It's just a difference of cultures, right and wrong.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


I'm just going by what I see in todays society.It used to be a black man would work hard for his family, have decent values, and still be ridiculed for being black. Now most( not all) black people are content at being in poverty and don't do a thing about it except beg for handouts and say they are "disadvantaged". Most "especially younger african Americans" embrace a culture of "gangsta's and ho's", foul language and other perversions. They're not inherently bad, they're born into it. It's just a difference of cultures, right and wrong.

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I know plenty of black people who work hard for their families, just like you and I do. The whole gangster, foul language, perversions, etc, etc, etc is not just a black issue, it is an issue that is present in every nationality in North America.


It's not the blacks themselves, it's their immoral culture and poor language skills that's the problem.

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Immoral culture???

Heck, we're all living in an immoral culture these days and I know a lot of white kids that have poor language skills too, and I know a lot of black folks who talk better than I do.

And what's wrong with interracial relationships? Man....woman ???? Heck I married a Dutch girl and I'm Irish. I guess I'm lucky we were both pretty close in colour eh....God forbid crazy.gif

I see racism starting to poke out it's ugly head in this thread. Any more and it gets zapped. crazy.gif

Back to Johns post. I can understand his concerns about his kids picking up on bad doesn't matter where it's coming from. The one thing I've noticed about poor neighbourhoods and schools, is that it seems they don't really get the best teachers either.


"Not only is homosexuality normal and natural, but it's actually preferable to heterosexuality. It so preferable that we will give homosexuals a better deal so that they can make more money than the lesser heterosexuals."

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And if you don't like it, then your homophobic and a weirdo, and we would rather shun you, than the gay community, simply because gay is in, and you're not. ... wink.gif

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


It's not the blacks themselves, it's their immoral culture and poor language skills that's the problem.

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I don't know exactly where you are from. But you describe a universal condition. And it is not a condition of race. It's a condition of the American urban welfare state. Black, white, Hispanic, etc.........that's not the determining factor. The determining factor is the message that inner city people (many of which are blacks....hence many will see it as a racial issue) have been recieving from the government since the 60's. "Stay in the city. Don't better yourself. You are a victim of the system. We will support you with government programs for the rest of your life. Vote democrat."

Again......another thread begins to jump the tracks. crazy.gif

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Re: Yes it does affect you.

Very well said Buckee...except for the strange spelling of "neighborhood." grin.gif

But let's be honest with ourselves here. The real issue of the original Wal-Mart post was not the was who was getting the discounts.

Simple vendor discounts don't inspire such phrases as "et tu Wal-Mart?" and "Walton would be rolling over in his grave."

Like I said in that post. If you guys found out vendors who supported the National Wildlife Federation were receiving discounts, would you all be up in arms because that's unfair to other vendors?

I think not.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


Like I said in that post. If you guys found out vendors who supported the National Wildlife Federation were receiving discounts, would you all be up in arms because that's unfair to other vendors?

I think not.

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Yes. I'm not "up in arms" over the Wal-Mart mess. I'm just putting my share of the econmy toward businesses who support less destructive lifestyles, the way I view life. If I found out that "Store X" was supporting the HSUS or Sarah Brady........they'd not see my shadow cross their doorstrep.

How old are you, Muggs?? Do you happen to remember a TV special from the 70's called "The Guns of Autumn"?? It was an anti-hunting special spearheaded by a guy named Cleveland Amory (the Ingrid Newkirk of the day). The special was sponsored by Oscar Meyer. Haven't bought an OM product in over 30 years. That's my perrogative.

The difference is this: The Oscar Meyer sponsored TV show conflicted with what I enjoy doing. Important to me..... but fairly insignificant to the world as a whole. The mainstreaming of homosexuality (complete with additional, special "rights" and privileges), drug usage, abortion, divorce, etc. is detrimental to the future of any civilized society. If you can't see it, then I am truly sorry for you. frown.gif

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


support less destructive lifestyles

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Destructive? Please extrapolate as to how you came to that conclusion.

I'm 27 years old Strut. And I understand and respect the fact that you have your view of things and stand up for them. Like you said, its your perrogative.

Other people have their own perrogatives as well. That's cool too. As long as they keep them as their perrogatives and don't try to start these witch hunts which eventually lead to name calling, and the other usual stuff that comes with this sort of small-minded bigotry.


is detrimental to the future of any civilized society.

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Again. How? Gay people have been around for a lot longer than you and I, and we're here. I can't speak for you, but I'm doing pretty good for myself with them here, and I don't think they're ever gonna do anything to change that.


If you can't see it, then I am truly sorry for you.

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No need to feel sorry for me. Actually, the interactions I've had with some of you over the past week have truly made me feel enlightened. wink.gif

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


Destructive? Please extrapolate as to how you came to that conclusion.

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I came to that conclusion by way of my Christian upbringing. I'm not a scripture-spouter. So I will spare you the obvious details.


Other people have their own perrogatives as well. That's cool too. As long as they keep them as their perrogatives......

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EXACTLY!!!! "Keep them as their perrogatives". But don't expect me or the government or any other entity to afford them (ANY special interest groups) any consideration over another group.


is detrimental to the future of any civilized society.

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Just as one "for instance":

A family with a (male) biological father and a (female) biological mother is the elemental building block of humanity. It's hard enough for kids to grow up in this world with morals, values and be well adjusted to society being raised in a model home environment. It's the "in" thing for same-gender "couples" to have children. Good luck with a child having two "mommies" or two "daddies" turning out to be well adjusted.

I get rather weary of hearing all the moral equivalency arguments out there today. Pure bunk, IMO.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


I came to that conclusion by way of my Christian upbringing. I'm not a scripture-spouter. So I will spare you the obvious details.

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I get that it goes against your Christian beliefs. But how is it destructive? I mean, if two gay people get together does an A bomb go off or something? Earthquakes happen? What?


EXACTLY!!!! "Keep them as their perrogatives". But don't expect me or the government or any other entity to afford them (ANY special interest groups) any consideration over another group.

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Agree, 100%.


A family with a (male) biological father and a (female) biological mother is the elemental building block of humanity. It's hard enough for kids to grow up in this world with morals, values and be well adjusted to society being raised in a model home environment. It's the "in" thing for same-gender "couples" to have children. Good luck with a child having two "mommies" or two "daddies" turning out to be well adjusted.

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I tend to agree with this too. But is a circumstance like that "detrimental to the future of any civilized society." And for agruement's sake, what if the kid turns out to be a well adjusted, open-minded individual?

I could also argue that there's plenty, and I mean plenty of people who were raised in nuclear families with a mother and father who have not turn out "well-adjusted."

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


I have to ask why interracial couples would be considered under the "bad influences" category?

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John initiated the part of race in his initial post in this thread with it pertaining to how it was rubbing off on his kids.

I know this is going to come across the wrong way to some, but generally speaking around these parts the interracial thing is more common in lower income people and often those who are involved are referred to by some as "white trash", and some other terms that would not be appropriate to post here.

The topic on interracial couples has come up in here several times before and I have stated my opinions on them in the past and am not looking to get back into that argument.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.

I used that example strictly for the language issue. Poor language stems from poor education in the home. I didn't mention any moral issues with blacks, most of my favorite, best behaved students are black. But the culture that many of them live in promotes poor language skills.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.

How is homosexuality destructive?

1. Like it or not, the average homosexuals have many more partners than thier hetero counter parts. This causes the spread of more venerial desieses and aids. I saw a spcecial a few weeks ago (can't remember what channel) that said anal sex was 10 -20 times more likely to spread aids then "normal sex" This is male to male and male to female. Admit it or not homosexuals are the primary carriers and spreaders of this desiese. This affects us all by the prices medical insurance, of mediciens and out of tax dollars are funding research and development and subsidising drugs through SSI and Medicare. That causes my taxes to increase or causes less spending in things like education, defence and infrastructure (sp?).

2. Homosexuality promotes promiscuity and experimentation through thier ranks and throgh society as a whole. Studies have shown that peopel who have one partner only are much less likely to ever cheat on thier spouse, less likely to devorse and thier children are more likely to devorse. Poeple who have multiple partners are more likely to be devorsed, separated or never married with children out of wedlock.

How does that affect you and me? When parents get devorsed the kids are 3 times more likely to be on the poverty level. They will recieved welfare benifits, free lunch, and medicare. That's more tax dollars out of my pocket.

Now back to the orginal intent of the post.

Everytime we are exposed to anything (good or bad) it changes us in some way.

Homosexuality is diametrically apposed to the moral code that I live by. I will not support or anyone who does and I will avoid exposure to it for myself and my family.

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Re: Yes it does affect you.

John, buddy, I've seen stronger arguements from Saddam's defense attorney.

Come on bud, lets keep our discussion within the boundaries of reality.

Not only was that the most stereotypical, close-minded thing I've ever read, there were also some really bold claims made with absolutely no supporting evidence.

Speaking of which...I INVENTED THE QUESTION MARK!!!!


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Re: Yes it does affect you.

I forgot to mention...don't forget how they caused that whole Katrina fiasco, and weren't they responsible for 9/11?

And then there's that whole black plaque thing from way back when...pretty sure that was them.

Lee Harvey Oswald...I schoff at that was the queers!!

In all seiousness, the only thing I really blame the gay community for was that show Will and Grace...that my friends, was a true disaster. grin.gif

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Re: Yes it does affect you.


In all seriousness, the only thing I really blame the gay community for was that show Will and Grace...that my friends, was a true disaster. grin.gif

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Hey now, when that first started it was pretty funny. grin.gif

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