ground blind and hornets advice


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well i have a question for you all

i put a ground blind in august and i went to use it and found hornets in one of the corners.

so here is my question!!! Would you all recommend me to spray it and let it settle for a week or so or pull it and start over? I am leaning towards of spraying it quick and let it set for a while.




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Re: ground blind and hornets advice



Spray it with hornet killer and then go back a little later and spray it heavy with something like Scent-Away on the inside and outside.

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This is what I would do too.

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But I would try and do this right before some good rain just to make sure its all disappated.

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Guest CTJohnB

Re: ground blind and hornets advice

Go to your blind at night because bee's and such so not move in the dark and carefully remove it and I would not spray, thast how we removed bee's and hornets when I used to be an exterminator

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