Poached Deer Pic,


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Guest Hi-Tech RedNeck

Re: Poached Deer Pic,


I salute you for the way you have handled this situation. Regardless of what others say here they were no in the situation and they did not have make the decisions you had.

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Ok...in PA, tresspassing is a civil suit...not the Pennsylvania Game comm. prob. If Jbeck chooses not to proscute the young man for tresspassing...then he did not poach the deer and the PGC won't do anything!

I think Jbeck handled this very well...I personally would have kept the rack and watched him fill his tag. Then offer the meat...jbeck, its your land and I understand where your coming from...your call.

I have a question...whats the blood on the neck? You said he shot quartering towards him...ribs to rectum?

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,


Wow, all of a sudden this has turned from a thread jbeck posted to vent and tell what happened into one giant argument. Jbeck did what he thought best - isn't that what matters?

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all I know is if he did it on my land, DNR called, no questions and no teaching the boy a lesson my way. I'll let the DNR handle it and teach the boy their lesson.

We owe it to the game we hunt to hunt within the guidelines and within the confinements of our own property. All this taught the boy was I got away with it this time, when another buck is across the fenceline, I'll take a shot at it too!

Maybe I am too mean but to have someone take a deer like that is not right. Maybe its because we get trespassers on our land, they hunt from out stands, they steal from us, all I know is they need to be taught a lesson. That deer lost its life because someone didn't obey by the rules!

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Yes, in true form he poached that deer from the state...you are correct.

But reason dictates that certain deer live on certain tracts of land within a reasonable range. If someone comes in and kills every deer on your property, were you harmed? Certainly. If someone comes in and sloppily runs off the deer due to smelling like a slob, smoking, making noise, etc. you were harmed. You were DEFINITELY harmed.

You passed on that deer in previous seasons while on your property and this person certainly harmed you. If you would like to forgive them, then as you said it is your right. I would make him do some work for me...in fact, I might just make him hang my posted signs for me to keep other people out. He didn't attack your wife and he didn't steal your car, so I think it is noble of you to not ruin his record for a dumb action....especially at a young age where I am sure we ALL did something dumb.

Maybe God will send a bigger buck to fill that void and you will get him for having a forgiving spirit and presenting a good witness.


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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

I can see why you want to give the head and rack away. It will make it easier to forget this horrible incident. I wouldn't want the head hanging on my wall as a reminder of a buck that should have been mine. If you don't want to press charges, that is your decision because it is your land. But I think you should at least print out this thread and make the kid read it, so he can see how other real hunters feel about what he has done. Hunters that are not as forgiving as yourself. So he knows what will probably happen next time he hunts without permission.

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Bottom line here is you did what you think was right. While some of us are offering open thoughts on what we would have done, unless I overlooked something, I dont think other than one particular reply here that anyone was really bashing jbecks decision here.

I hope in this case it was the right decision, and you do not have later problems with this kid or others he may potentially boast to about how he got away with poaching, but it is you that has to deal with it, and you know better the situations than those of us who are hundreds or thousands of miles away reading this on a screen who do not know any history you may already know on this kid or his family.

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Jbeck, did what he thought was the right thing to do. He could have dealt with it differently. He decided that this was the way he wanted to do it. He had a talk with the boy,hopefully the boy learned something from it. Sure he could have had him charged & maybe fined, who knows if this would have taught him any more than jbeck having a talk with him did. I personally think he did the right thing. I have caught people trespassing on me, I tell them to leave & that next time I will turn them in for trespassing. I have yet to catch anyone a second time. Jbeck did what he thought was right,dealt with it the way he believed in. I think it was his right to deal with it in his own way.Jbeck as long as you are at peace with your decision you did the right thing. I like the decision you made.

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,


Jbeck, did what he thought was the right thing to do. He could have dealt with it differently. He decided that this was the way he wanted to do it. He had a talk with the boy,hopefully the boy learned something from it. Sure he could have had him charged & maybe fined, who knows if this would have taught him any more than jbeck having a talk with him did. I personally think he did the right thing. I have caught people trespassing on me, I tell them to leave & that next time I will turn them in for trespassing. I have yet to catch anyone a second time. Jbeck did what he thought was right,dealt with it the way he believed in. I think it was his right to deal with it in his own way.Jbeck as long as you are at peace with your decision you did the right thing. I like the decision you made.

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I agree, 1 other thing i,d like to point out is that this crime would have followed that kid for the rest of his life, jbeck obviously knows this kid and his mother and deemed it best to handle it the way he did,, IMO sometimes its better to handle a situation the way jbeck did, sometimes the use of incarceration / a record,, can do more harm than good on a kid,,,, just my .02

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Guest tunkhannockbowhunter

Re: Poached Deer Pic,

i think you handled the situation well. my dad and i have caught people on our land a lot of the years and we inform them that we hunt it so stay off unless we give you permission. we have also had 2 bucks killed by hunters who werent suppose to be on our land. im sure the kid has learned his lesson. i did some things when i was a kid that im not proud of but i know now that it was wrong. kids are kids they live and they learn. and a deer is just a deer. its not our property or the states or anyone elses. ive seen friendships destroyed because of a hunter killing a big deer that someone else was trying to harvest. its not the end of the world.

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Guest madabouthuntin

Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Jbeck... you did open a can of worms.. from the look of it a BIG CAN. I myself have mixed feelings on how you handled it. I agree that you did the right thing by not pressing charges. Yes, I know as Christians we are supposed to follow the laws of the land we live, but we are also instructed not to drag each other in court to be judged (paraphrasing). If we have a problem with a fellow Christian we are to go to them and speak with them and forgive them. As it says in Ephesians 4:32.... forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. With that said, I agree with your forgiveness of the boy. Not that you need my or anybody else's aproval. I agree with not pressing charges against him as well. I will agree with what has been said as for making him work the deer off a little as a lesson. Even after a person that is lost accepts Christ as his saviour, that person still has to reap what he sowed. As for the law for pressing charges for tresspassing. I can't say how the laws work in PA, but in NC you must have No Tresspassing signs up in place before you can press charges. You must have that or be able to prove that you have instructed the person tresspassing that they do not have permission to be on the land prior to the date you catch them on your property. With the signs up you don't have to instruct them, the signs are all you need.

As for you loosing a great deer to hunt, I'm am truely sorry. Atleast you were able to find the deer before the meat went bad. Let's hope this experience was able to teach the boy something.


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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Well everyone has a different opinion on this one.....It's a tough situation and even tougher for us to judge b/c we weren't there and do not know exactly what happened in the conversations with the kid...What he did was wrong and I have some personal takes on poaching but that doesn't mean I'm right or wrong......

As for tresspassing in Indiana the law is a little different b/c I just ran across it. Technically what the kid did wasn't tresspassing here even if he saw signs and crossed a fence. The game warden to my buddy that to press charges on the kids that he CAUGHT on his land with his treestand in hand, that he first had to tell the kids to leave and then they would have to not listen or come back. The kids weren't arrested for tresspassing nor theft in that case. The only ticket they got was for hunting without a license. Go figure the law is weird sometimes....\

Either way Beck don't get to down about what people say on here. The only thing that matter is that your satisfied with the outcome of the situation b/c you have to live with it, not us....Good luck and I hope you smack a bigger one than that....Hoosier

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,


I can see why you want to give the head and rack away. It will make it easier to forget this horrible incident. I wouldn't want the head hanging on my wall as a reminder of a buck that should have been mine. If you don't want to press charges, that is your decision because it is your land. But I think you should at least print out this thread and make the kid read it, so he can see how other real hunters feel about what he has done. Hunters that are not as forgiving as yourself. So he knows what will probably happen next time he hunts without permission.

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I think making the kid read this will make him realize how lucky he is that you are a man of GOD and you stood by your beliefs and that he may not be so lucky next time. And again, I think you did the right thing, it was your call and you did what you felt was best. Good for you.

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,


Jbeck as long as you are at peace with your decision you did the right thing.

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I don't agree with what you did jbck, but I do agree with this statement.

I might just invite that kid over and read these post to him to see what other folks would have done. Then he may see it in a different light and appriciate your forgiveness even more.

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Guest Mark_85

Re: Poached Deer Pic,

jbeck your a good hearted man and it takes alot to do what you did . its alot easier to just fly off the bat and call him every name in the book and get the law involved. what you did takes alot more in my book. it doesn't matter if other people agree with you or not it's not their property

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,


jbeck your a good hearted man and it takes alot to do what you did . its alot easier to just fly off the bat and call him every name in the book and get the law involved. what you did takes alot more in my book. it doesn't matter if other people agree with you or not it's not their property

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Your right its not our property, but we as hunters are just voicing out our opinions because if we don't our heritage and hunting tradition won't be around much longer. Ethics and legal taking of game wasn't in this boys head, and letting him go will prevent him to knowing what ethics and hunting legally really means.

I just hope he learned his lesson.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Poached Deer Pic,

Well played in my eyes.

Kids do all kinds of stupid things. Hammering them every time they screw up, even though this was intentional is not the best way to handle every individual.

How about a special license plate for every adult that gets caught speeding 3 times and a special plate for every person who gets caught drinking and driving.

Better yet, put them both in jail for 2 years without possibility for early release. Both adults did what they did knowingly. A spade is a spade.

Great job handling this but I would make sure you keep in touch with this boy and remind him of your kindness on those occasions when you do see him. Also remind him to do things legally. A firm pat on the back can be far better than a set of cuffs. IMO

Just because the law was broken does not according to the state mean you have to press charges. Turning someone in has always been up to the discretion of the person. I know of no law that states the you must under penalty of law, press charges.

Once again, nice job in my eyes and sorry about "your


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Re: Poached Deer Pic,


I really like the idea of printing this off and making sure the boy reads it.

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I like this idea too. And that deer head will serve as a reminder of your mercy to him.

I wasn't there, and I don't know how exactly it was handled, so all I can say now is God bless you wink.gif

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

I like the idea of printing it off and showing him what we all have said, I stand by my decision, so if he ever did a stunt like that on my land, the DNR would handle it and he'd probably be fined and lose his hunting priviledges.

Print it out and show him what the world is really like, your doing him a favor and I hope he does not take it for granted.

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Re: Poached Deer Pic,

OK, here is my take on this. I may be new here but am not new to the law. I work in the court system and feel I can give a pretty good legal take on this. I looked up the legal defination of poaching according to the Penn. Game Commision. It is, ""Poaching." To unlawfully take game or wildlife by means of or as a result of multiple violations of the provisions of this title or the regulations thereunder." I skimmed through the hunting code and did not find anything about trespassing in the provisions about hunting. Therefor, IMO, if this young man killed this deer during archery season using legal methods, it was not poaching. Now, I understand that if I owned land I did not want people hunting on it, I would be very upset about the fact a deer was taken on my property, but if I lived in Penn. and called the police or DNR it looks like the only thing the young man would be guilty of is trespassing.

Jbeck, I think you did what you felt was necessary and no one here can or should judge you for it. I understand why you use the word "poaching". When I was a street cop I was assigned a zone to patrol. When another officer would come in my zone and make a traffic stop we would tease him and say he was "poaching". This is only because he was somewhere he was not supposed to be. I don't know how old this "kid" is but if you know him and his mother then you did what you felt was best. Also, I did not see anything about what his father thought. It could be that there is not a father in the picture. If this is the case then I would like to challenge you to take in this enthusiastic hunter and teach him the ethical way to hunt.

I see a lot of talk on here about passing on the tradition of ethical hunting. It is clear that this young man did not use good judgement. I know some of you would like to string this young man up and leave him to the wolves, but in my experience if you take a good kid that made a POOR decision and teach him the right way then you can turn that person around. I understand that this does not happen everytime, but when it comes to hunting we have to try otherwise we all get lumped into the same category as people that only want to KILL and not people that want the experience whether we harvest something or not.

If there is a game warden from Penn. on this board please chime in and tell us your take on this issue.

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