Miss.... Again!!!


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Guest rphbowhunter

Re: Miss.... Again!!!

man i know what you mean. been hunting real hard. finally have 3 nice ones come in. i pull back line it up. my hearts jumping out of my chest. everything finally coming together. i shoot and the arrow takes a nose dive about 10 yards in front of the 8 point. i still can't find out what my string hit the sleeve head net or jacket. any one know how long i should wait to go back or will they come back

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Guest rphbowhunter

Re: Miss.... Again!!!

i know i know. but really what do you think? will they come back. i have the smaller ones out there that come back after i shot a doe. but what about bucks. they were not the big one i have been hunting for past 2 years but they were practice to get me ready. but man i tell you my confidence is suffering pretty bad now. i came home and put 2 in the target to make sure i could still do it.

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Re: Miss.... Again!!!

I know where your at rph. Last year I missed 4 deer b4 I finally connected, and then to start out this way this year is terrible. I think the deer will come back if they didn't see you or smell you. If they were just spooked by the arrow they'll be back eventually. Just give them time and make sure you are careful about scent and the wind direction.

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Re: Miss.... Again!!!

One thing that I do whenever shooting a deer (almost whenever) is after I see that it is a shooter, either a doe or a buck, I tell myself "It doesn't mean @#$% if there is a deer right here if you don't hit it, so concentrate!"

That usually get's me settled down and then I can concentrate on the shot instead of the deer. You'll get it just fine. Put some pictures of big deer all around your room or special place that you use for your hunting stuff so that you get used to seeing huge deer. Sometimes this helps, that way when you see a shooter coming down your lane, you don't get as excited. I heard of this trick that I think Charles Alsheimer uses to get used to seeing big bucks.

Keep at it.

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Re: Miss.... Again!!!


Last year I missed 4 deer b4 I finally connected, and then to start out this way this year is terrible.

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Do you shoot your bow in the offseason? Seems like alot of misses and when you do connect you might end up wounding some. Make sure you can hit where your aiming before you take this into the woods. Practice practice practice as AI would say

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Re: Miss.... Again!!!

2 years ago i missed 4 deer all under 30 yards and i knew the range to each one! i had sever target panic for just live deer. on targets i was deadly, but for some reason for that one season i had the punches and shakes so bad i couldnt hit crap. wink.gif nailed a couple of trees too. grin.gif

what cured me was a friend told me to forget about the moment of the shot. just find the 10 ring and make your best shot for the center of it.

since i shoot a lot of 3 D tournaments, it made deer hunting like shooting 3d and completely took the pressure off of making the shot.. the next deer was at 30 yards and was nailed with a perfect shot and she didnt go 50 yards.

since then i have learned to concentrate on a small spot on the deer and let the pin float and just let my shot happen. nailed my biggest buck ever last year at 14 yards and a doe this year at 33 yards.

you know if you had a real chance with the shots you took. were they out of your comfort range? or did you just get to excited and blow it. hey it happens, but its best you be completely honest with yourself.

never make excuses for what happened on your shot. if you missed, find out why. if you need practice, then find a way to make sure your practicing the right way. practice doesnt make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

if thats not the cause and you shoot very well, then maybe you need to shoot a couple of 3d shoots during the summer. they really make you concentrate to do your best on each shot.

buck fever is nothing but lack of concentration on our part to make our best shot when we need it to happen. im sure oyu will redeem yourself. heck theres bunch of us that wish we had a chance at a Booner let alone 2 in your short bowhunting career.

i have hunted 30 years and i have never got a shot at a Booner. i have seen a couple, but never got the shot yet ! wink.gif

if you have any questions on shooting form or shooting concentrattion techniques, drop into the competitive archery forum here and ask away.

Shoot Strong


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