Bowman Light for sights


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guys, just praising this sight light, its awesome. The best thing, its automatic, it works off your cable guard and control cables. As the cable slide comes back it triggers a switch and it automatically lights your pins.

No more having to turn it on with one hand while the deer is in the area and no more forgetting to turn it off and killing the batteries. When you draw you bow back and at full draw it comes on, its that easy and simple to install.

This is slick, works on all bows with cable guards and comes with adapters to fit all types of threads on today's sights. I got one and I love it! Great idea!

check it out:

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Re: Bowman Light for sights

I think they run about $25.00 or $30.00 dollars, I got mine over at archerytalk used. I talked with the inventor of it, great guy just trying to make a go out it. Neat idea!

Go to his sight and email him. Tell him your a friend of Lou's from Michigan, maybe Chuck will give your a discount or maybe make you pay more because you know me! LOL!! smile.gif

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Re: Bowman Light for sights

Was in a bit of a rush getting out kind of late. The sight got caught on the bottom of my stand between a limb somehow when I was pulling it up yesterday afternoon. The fiber optic wires somehow hung and the plastic sight guard broke in one place. Was the factory pse sight, probably needed a better sight anyways. I glued them back together with fletching glue last night. Might get me through until I can get a new site. Will have to shoot a few arrows this afternoon before I go out to make sure it is on.

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