Duck/Goose calls


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I was wondering what would you guys recommed for a starting duck hunter as far as calls for ducks and geese ... also I was looking at some of the training DVD's / Tapes do these really work ... does anyone have any info on a computer based calling program like they do for turkeys and such? ... is a singel read easier to blow then a double read? and will it sound as good as a double read? sorry to be asking such bewbie questions but it will be our first year of duck hunting this year ... and I am sorta wanting to get started learning some calling ...


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Re: Duck/Goose calls

Get a few inexpensive calls and see what works best for you. Everyone sounds diffferent on each call. Haydels, Mallard Tone, and a few others are inexpensive and have been responsible for the deaths of millions of waterfowl. Several calls come with a CD that will help you get the basics down. The best advice however is, No calling is always better than bad calling. There is an old adage that goes something to the effect of, only call when you can se the tail and 1 wing. In other words if they are headed towards you, leave them alone. Spending some time in a blind with an experienced hunter will be the best for learning, period. Good luck.

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Re: Duck/Goose calls

As far as duck calls go most say a double reed is easier to blow than a single reed. But personally I think they are both about the same. I do perfer the sound of a single reed to a double but double reeds are also softer in general. As for goose calls if your just going to go out ocasionally buy a flute you should just about master it in 10 min. But if your like me and really enjoy practicing your calls than I would suggest the canada hammer II. The only goose calls I have ever blown are the Canada Hammer II, Primos honky tonk, and a goozilla. The goozilla is also an easy call, but I love my canada hammer II, plus its only $13.

I hope that helps, and remember I have only been calling for 3 years and am in no sense an pro, but I do consider myself pretty good.

Also if you know someone that has calls already, ask if you can blow thiers, nothing is worse than spending money on a call that you will never use.

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Re: Duck/Goose calls

a double reed duck call is gonna be easier for the begginner caller, the single reed is gonna produce them loud ringing hail calls, and for a begginner you dont need them, i would definately suggest a double reed, as for starter inexpensive calls i would suggest Buck Gardners Double Nasty, or the HS bill collector, or definatley the primos original wench, these are definately 3 good starter calls, and when you start practicing, your first step is to get the basic quack down, most important thing, most everything is based on that, after the quack get your greeting call down, this calls are the ones to master first, these are the ones thats gonna kill ya ducks, and after that you can work on your chuckles, comebacks, hails, pleading and lonseome hen calls, as for goose call you can go with a flute and still kill birds, there easy to use, but if you plan on really getting into the sport and get serious with your calling, i would definately try and start with a short reed, but your gonna need to practice, practice, practice, before you even take it into the field, if your wanting to get into the field with a goose call and dont have much time to practice i would go with the flute, much easier to learn, as for brands for goose calls, for a flute i would suggest the big river final flight goose call, and if you go short reed, for and easy blowing short reed i would suggest the zink power clucker polycarbonate, i would also suggest the canada hammer like still learnin, but the powerclucker takes a lot less pressure to use than the hammer, and if you really get into the sport and want to step up in calls i would definately suggest Foiles calls and for goose calls to master would be the honks and clucks will kill ya geese and then you can escalate from there

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Guest aaronchase

Re: Duck/Goose calls

id go with DUman ... the double nasty duck call by Buck Gardners it was and is my first call and is super easy to blow. For geese i love the sound of the Big river flute it has also brought me much luck. Good luck finding the right call for you.

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Re: Duck/Goose calls

For duck calls the double reed should be easier to blow than a single reed. A good cheap line of calls I like would be the Quackhead line. For a dvd for duck would be Pro Duck Callin by Carlson calls.

For goose calls start out with a short reed. You will be better off later on. I like the Bill Saunder's Reload an Traffic short reeds. Foiles SMH is a real easy call to blow its the call I started on. For a goose dvd Shawn Stalh's Honker Talk is real good.

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Re: Duck/Goose calls

go to your local river or lake ,with your call or calls , then start calling , and see how they respond to your calls , and take notes. if your concerned about getting in trouble , ask a park ranger or concervation officer before using your calls, remember that a wild animal is your best critic , if you mess up calling they will let you know. good luck with your calling

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