Where do you put your EZ hanger??


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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

i dont have an easy hanger but i have a video camera arm slash bow holder which basically does the same thing, i put it right above me if I know i won't have to stand up. If theres a chance I will be standing i put it to my right and up above me. This works for me because i set up my stands in a way that my shots will be to my left or in front of me because being right handed its easier to shoot that way

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Guest luckyman4

Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

Haven't ever found a perfect spot yet, so good luck with that. I like mine on my left side (RH shooter as well) where I can reach into my sling and grasp the bow without straining too much. I guess that's about chest level or so when I stand up to screw it into the tree. Most of the trees I hunt are too twiggy to put it up perfectly, and I've even put it in on my right side. No matter where you hang it, its very handy when you need two hands for something else or get tired of holding th bow.

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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

I'm right handed as well Ryan and I've found its easier if I put the E-Z hanger on my right side(sitting down) with the bow facing behind me. That way, the arrow and the broadhead are away from me and I just have to reach across and pick it up with my left hand.

Also, when picking a stand location, I've noticed that the majority of the traffic I'm expecting is from the left to the right. So this keeps the bow out of my field of view as well.

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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

In the tree silly. grin.gif

Seriously I have mine on my left side. When I am sitting down my grip is just a bit above eye level. Most of my deer traffic comes in on the right side. So having it on my left side hides my movement to grab the bow. When I stand up to shoot, the grip is just about waist level and is easy to move.

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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??


In the tree silly. grin.gif

Seriously I have mine on my left side. When I am sitting down my grip is just a bit above eye level. Most of my deer traffic comes in on the right side. So having it on my left side hides my movement to grab the bow. When I stand up to shoot, the grip is just about waist level and is easy to move.

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL... grin.gif

I do the samething. I hang mine on the left side of me. Cuts down on the movement...

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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

I usually hang mine to the right side. I am right handed but I'm not sure if I have any ryme or reason as to why I hang it on that side. I alwasy screw it at about head height when I am standing. This puts the bow in the perfect spot for me, since I stand most of the time anyway. That's why it's called a tree "stand" right? grin.gif

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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

What I found works best for me came from sitting down and holding my bow out to my left side resting my arm along the rail of my climber...then I figured out what way I had to hang the EZ Hanger to get what I wanted.

I stretch out my thumb and index finger. I use that as a measurement from where the teeth of the top section of my climber meets the tree.

For me when I go up 5 of those measurements, then out to what would be my left sitting down, that puts the handle of my bow almost perfectly level with the top rail of my climber.

With my left arm resting on the rail of the climber...The string is just passed the end of my fingers.

The string is facing my right side and I only have to reach out to grab the handle which is in clear view. If I have to draw my bow to that side I simply lift the bow off of the hanger and before I move it too far away I can push the top limb of the bow against the outter section of the hanger so it does not interfere with a shot. It does not make any noise because I added an extra length of heat shrink tubing to the hanger from the end to mid way towards the tree on the outter section with the hook.

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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

i always put mine in a place that is easy for me to reach with little movement. sometimes it above me, sometimes its on the left and sometimes on the right. just depends on where the best spot is.

i think each tree situation is differant. left side is better for me, because i reach for the grip with my left hand.

Shoot Strong


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Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger??

I should also add that I very rarely use it. I normally place the bottom cam between my legs and lean the bow against the front rail of my Summit. It hits perfect to where my Simms stabilizer will balance the bow and keep it from sliding. Then its just a matter of picking it up and standing up.

I just like having my bow handy.

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