First Bow Kill! Wooooooo Hooooooo!


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After missing that buck last year and not getting any shots at any does that same year. I decided not to be as fussy about the first deer I take with my bow.

I got a late start, but it was on purpose. The land I hunt aside of, was being timbered out by the military. I did not have another spot as to use my climber, I know dumb idea! Now I know! tongue.gif I get in about 8AM, find a good tree along this deer trail I have seen in the past. Around 9:30AM, I spot three deer, one doe for sure, the others couldn't tell. So I start using a fawn bleat, nothing. At 10:10 I decided to call my father about the deer I seen. While it was ringing I spotted another deer all by itself, I hung up. I seen it was a six pointer, but was walking away. I hit the Lil can call, not once, but about three times in a row. He looked over, but continued he way out. I hit the can again three more times, this time he turned! Started to walk behind me about 40 yards out, threw up his nose and walked right into my scent bomb at 25 yards! There was this beautiful little opening there, I tried to bend at the waist but there was a little tiny branch in my way. I left that arrow go and, TWACK! Hit a little high above the shoulder about 4 inches, he WENT STRAIGHT DOWN! I was in dis-belief! After watching for about 30 minutes I needed to send another arrow, this time it hit the heart. I am a little upset at myself because of the first arrow. I guess because I am more used to seeing a deer drop from my 270. Its only a basket 6 pointer, would have liked something better, but now I feel I needed to take whatever was legal.

So here is my first bow kill! cool.gif


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Re: First Bow Kill! Wooooooo Hooooooo!

thats Awesome! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

im glad some of you new bowhunters are getting on board and whacking some deer. once you get a few under your belt , then make the move to trophy hunting.

i congratulate you big time.. nothing like shooting them with a bow. i wish you many more years of sucess. grin.gif

Shoot Strong


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Re: First Bow Kill! Wooooooo Hooooooo!

John, You Did It!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fantastic Man cool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

BTW...Dont be beating yourself up over the first shot.

If I remember correctly...

I think it was on the HS Video "So you want to be a Bowhunter" that Bob Foulkrod admitted his first deer with a bow the shot was into the Neck.

You can now count yourself as part of a very long history and tradition of hunting, and harvesting, with a bow!!!

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