NY Opener


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Re: NY Opener

Didn't see anything. Got wet. Yesterday I tried to pull a shoulder muscle, but got lucky. The pain didn't last the usual 2 weeks like other times I've felt that popping feeling in my shoulder. Seemed to be ok this morning.

I think today we got every kind of weather imaginable as front after front went through. hey, what the heck, there is a whole lot of season left yet. I might get a chance to actually see a deer yet.......lol.


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Re: NY Opener

Went out this morning in the Southern Zone with my Wife bowhunting and didnt see anything.

Harry(HaDeRonDa) came over and went hunting with us. He went to a different area with his climber and he had a 26yd quartering towards shot waiting for her to turn broadside...then her fawn caught some of the swirling wind and bolted...she followed quickly thereafter. tongue.gif

Home for lunch...Then me and Harry went to some property in the Northern Zone and sat in stands during some nasty weather(with frozen rain).

Carnvial Puke Ride type severe wind gusts that made me consider getting down-but at the time it would have been even more unsafe than staying in the stand safely strapped in.

Then like nothing had ever happened there was beautiful sunshine afterwards.

I saw 3 deer that someone must have pushed from acrossed the highway headed in his direction but they must have taken a different route after they left the field edge they were running. They were 275 yds away and looked great through the scope but a little too far for the smokepole tongue.gif

Other than attempting to hunt during almost every wind direction, which seemed to never stay in one direction for very long, everyone was dressed properly for the weather so it was a good time out.

I look at it this way...Everytime I go out and dont score the law of averages tips slightly more in my favor for the next time wink.gif

Everyone hunted safely and we were able to at least see deer...thats a great day in my book cool.gif

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Re: NY Opener

I was sucessful this morning. My son and I went out and had deer all around us most of the morning. I shot a nice size mature doe that had an injury of some sort to her right ankle. She was hardly putting any weight on it when she walked. She had the last laugh...she dropped in some really thick briars and it was a BE-ATCH dragging her to the point when I could get her in a cart and haul her off to the house easiliy.

The big bucks we have been watching did not come in bow range. We watched them spar( lock horns), rub and scrape. It was a really great morning being with my son Joe and all.

All 3 of my sons(14,13 and 10) assisted in the searching( blood trail lessons) dragging and hauling of the doe. I was getting goose bumps doing things like this with my 3 sons. Its what I have been dreaming about for soo long. Now it is slowly becoming a reality grin.gif

Good Luck to everyone else and hunt safe!




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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: NY Opener

Adam, nice mature doe and she does have pretty feet too! LOL

Hunting with Gary was cool. Saw two doe but opted not to blast one in the front shoulder. I surely would have had great penetration but the dbl lunger is what I want.

The wind surely was crazy and at times the wind would blow 35 mph followed by a 20 minute calm that reminded me of being in the middle of a hurricane eye. Crazy wind it was.

I did go out this afternoon but returned after my patty cakes froze off. No gloves? LMBO

I then returned to the car and in a small island in the middle of a field I saw a tree that I had seen before.

It had old treestand steps in it. I guess I be hanging a stand in that small clump of trees come rifle time!!

Hope anyone else out there has some luck tonight that they can report on.

Glad it was such a good weekend for you all.

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