My 2006 Ohio whitetail buck


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Here is my Ohio whitetail for 2006. I shot him this morning with my Hoyt Trykon. Story to follow soon, still got some work to do with him. Thought you guys would enjoy some pics! cool.gif Just a side note, this is my best buck to date, bow or gun and I couldn't be happier with him! cool.gif


Chris and I with my buck


Gotta get a picture with the kids, right?


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Re: My 2006 Ohio whitetail buck

Well he is hanging in the barn and ready to be caped and quartered out tomorrow. Here is his story.

Over the past couple of years, I have been pretty much exclusively hunting one particular farm that we call Carey Lane. This is the farm I shot my doe off of last weekend. Chris and I have both had close encounters with big deer on that farm. Well, Ron (the landowner) mentioned to me that he didn’t want anymore deer killed off of that farm until gun season. He thinks that deer aren’t quite there like they have been in the past and would just like to give that farm a rest. He has some buddies coming in from Florida to gun hunt with us, so he would like for them to have the best possible opportunity to shot some deer during gun week. Ron is the landowner, and you have to respect the landowners wishes. He told me this last Saturday, so I was off making other plans to hunt some other farms I have access to.

Woody owns a farm I hunt. He is my buddy that I graduated high school with, we were best men in each others weddings, and are still close to this day. He is also Ron’s son. These are 2 of the most genuine guys you could ever call friends. They are down to earth people with great personalities, hard working farmers in a small town. Woody owns about 400 acres, but most of that is tillable land. There are a few pockets of woods on his farm that the deer and turkeys thrive in. One patch of woods we refer to as the Turkey Woods. Any guess as to why? The turkeys roost in the woods year round, but primarily in the spring. Always fun to hunt those birds in the spring in that piece of woods.

I had bumped a few deer while walking in this morning, they ran off into the darkness, blowing with every other step it seemed. I was in my climbing treestand in the Turkeys Woods about 20-25 minutes before first light. Listening to the woods come alive is truly an awesome experience, everytime. I never get tired of experiencing that. It was about 8:05 am when I saw the first deer of the day, this dude came right to me. I picked him up about 50 yards out, walking up the hill straight for my tree. I drew my bow back when he was at about 25 yards, but he was still facing directly towards me. I’m not going to take that shot. He continued to walk right at me, he got to about 5-7 yards and veered off. I now had a broadside shot, with him quartering slightly towards me. At that distance, I can make a shot count. I grunted with my mouth to get him to stop. I must have been too loud, cause when I did that, he took off on a dead run away from me. I was still at full draw when he stopped about 42 yards out, quartering away from me. I had used my rangefinder on a tree that he was standing next to, I had that tree at 37 yards. I settled my pin at the top of his back and let the arrow fly. The shot looked true, and he immediately wheeled around and raced down the step hill, out of sight just like that. I couldn’t hear him, due to the wind gusts, and couldn’t see him because of the contour of the land.

I waited about 30-40 minutes and decided to get down to look for my arrow. I could tell were he was standing and looked everywhere for my arrow. Nothing. No where to be found. I had kicked up so many leaves looking for it, it now looks like a landing strip in the middle of the woods. After a while of looking for the arrow, I decided to start looking for blood or hair or anything in the direction that he had run. I could follow his trail down the hill easily by following the leaves and dirt that he had kicked up, but no blood. I walked about 70-80 yards an decided to stop and check for my arrow again. I wanted to know what I was dealing with for sure. During that time, I was on the phone with Chris, Woody and another hunting friend Jason. Chris was very supportive and helped build some confidence, Woody said to stick with it, that deer was there somewhere. Jason’s voicemail was a little less inspiring though. After getting the pep talks, I walked back down the hill towards some standing corn at the bottom of the woods. I got to the edge of the corn and walked a fence line along the edge. I went about 20-25 yards out of the woods and stopped to scan the fence line. Nothing. I took another 4-5 steps and there he was, 4 rows in the corn piled up. AWESOME!! The arrow was still in him. The shot was less than ideal, but all in all, he only went about 120-140 yards. Thank the Good Lord that I stumbled on him and my shot was lethal.

This is my best buck to date, bow or gun. He is a mainframe 10 pointer with a kicker near his right G3 and a split brow on his left side. Chris and I scored him at about 127" typical, and 135" nontypical. I think I’ll tell people I shot a 135" 12 pointer. I’m just glad he made P&Y typical.

Thanks for reading this, I know it is a pretty long story, but I wanted to share this with you all.

-----> cool.gif <-----

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Re: My 2006 Ohio whitetail buck

Great buck, Tom!!(MCH says as he right clicks and saves picture to hard filegrin.gif)

Awesome story as well. You have a good way with words.

From the title of your post, I was pretty much prepared to see your mugg shot, but Chris took me by surprise. Next time if you would, could you warn us????? I had my kid in my lap.grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: My 2006 Ohio whitetail buck

Tom, Thank You...I really enjoyed reading your successful hunt story and That is one Great Buck cool.gif

You really do have a way with words....I was right there with you. I'm glad you found the arrow too....I was so caught up in the hunt I was still looking for the arrow as I watched you walk down the hill cool.gif

BTW...Heard you holler when you found him too grin.gif

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