Gun confiscation has started in Canada


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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada

Well, if the guns have to be registered then they have to be registered, it's not like they're going house to house and taking everyone's guns, and please spare me the " That's the next step " argument. I'm gonna say something here that I know is gonna ruffle some feathers, but I know there are some real Godly christians on here, I used to be one, so I know as a Christian you are supposed to follow all laws that are put over you, even if you don't like them. Register your gun and it won't get taken. I think I'm gonna let my registration lapse on my truck just in case they want to do a vehicle round up, I mean, a vehicle is a legally owned item, why should I have to register it, it's mine, I don't want the government to know I have it cause they might take it from me.

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada

For starters slugger, all my guns are registered, so it's not me I'm concerned about. I did hold off on registering them until the last second though, hoping that a new government of my choice would be elected and get rid of the whole stupid gun registry thing.

Secondly slugger, you just don't get it yet. Your just one of them poor folks who can't see past the end of their own nose. Comparing the registration of cars to the registration of guns is like comparing gun registration to getting your boots registered.

Will you ever wake up or is this a permanant disability?

Are you sure your a hunter slugger? Your so liberal it really makes me wonder.

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada

Well slugshooter, your outlook never ceases to amaze me.

I am sure that there were a lot of gun owners in Europe and Australia, as well as Canada that thought the same thing about their guns.

As far as your truck...What would stop an extreme environmentalist group to start a movement to outlaw certain vehicles because of claimed exhaust emissions.

It only takes a change in the law.

That happened to 2-cycle engines in California already.

The registration on your truck is a "tax", but since it is registered "they" could come and get it if you continue to operate it after it is banned for exhaust emission violations in the future.

Antique cars and trucks must be equipped with seat belts, even though the seat belts were not stock safety items when the car was designed or manufactured.

The law is to be obeyed because the laws are supposed to protect the citizens.

The laws may also be changed by those same citizens. .....popgun

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada


At least we got four more years here that this wont happen!!

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Can you be sure about that? Trusting politicians is a fool's errand and I am not a fool. So I quetion all the crooks in Washington and Columbus... do you?

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada


For starters slugger, all my guns are registered, so it's not me I'm concerned about. I did hold off on registering them until the last second though, hoping that a new government of my choice would be elected and get rid of the whole stupid gun registry thing.

Secondly slugger, you just don't get it yet. Your just one of them poor folks who can't see past the end of their own nose. Comparing the registration of cars to the registration of guns is like comparing gun registration to getting your boots registered.

Will you ever wake up or is this a permanant disability?

Are you sure your a hunter slugger? Your so liberal it really makes me wonder.

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Will you ever wake up or is this a permanant disability?

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BINGO Steve!!!!!! Its these types that just turn their head and say it wont happen to me! One day his party will give it to him then he will re-think about what was always said here!

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada


Are you sure your a hunter slugger? Your so liberal it really makes me wonder.

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You tell me, you seemed to like the shot placement on that doe I got at the beginning of the season here. It's the typical sterotype though, I'm a democrat and a moderate, so I can't be a hunter. Oh well, ya'lls loss if you want to keep on with the tired old stereotypes that have been perpetuated by ultra-right wing groups.

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada

That was sarcasm slugger. I know your a hunter...blind one maybe, but a hunter non-the-less grin.gif

Like said above slugger, someday you will look back and say to yourself...why, did I stand on that side of the fence...why. ...and I say this, because I personally feel that we are fighting a losing battle in todays world. We (gun-owners and hunters) are a dieing breed.

I won't give up the good fight though, and when that day comes (if I'm still here) I'll be able to say, I had nothing to do with it, it was all sluggers fault...LOL tongue.gif

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada


We (gun-owners and hunters) are a dieing breed.

I won't give up the good fight though, and when that day comes (if I'm still here) I'll be able to say, I had nothing to do with it, it was all sluggers fault...LOL tongue.gif

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And if the Second Amendment falls, I promise you that others won't be far behind.

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada

Vehicle registration is taxation ...meant to provide for our roadways...

Firearms registration is an agenda ...and your head has to be pretty far in the sand not to recognize its implications...especially when the politicians have flat out stated that only the police and military should have guns (Allan Rock, Justice Minister, initiator of Canada's Firearms Registry)

Bob wink.gif

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada


I think I'm gonna let my registration lapse on my truck just in case they want to do a vehicle round up, I mean, a vehicle is a legally owned item, why should I have to register it, it's mine, I don't want the government to know I have it cause they might take it from me.

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Spoken like a person whose been truly blinded by the blathering liberal agenda of our day.

Truck ownership is a privilege. It is not a God-given, inalienable right........guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Forgive me for being one of those extremist, whacko, Christian members of the vast right-wing conspiracy who believes the Constitution means what it says. smirk.gif

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada



I think I'm gonna let my registration lapse on my truck just in case they want to do a vehicle round up, I mean, a vehicle is a legally owned item, why should I have to register it, it's mine, I don't want the government to know I have it cause they might take it from me.

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Spoken like a person whose been truly blinded by the blathering liberal agenda of our day.

Truck ownership is a privilege. It is not a God-given, inalienable right........guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Forgive me for being one of those extremist, whacko, Christian members of the vast right-wing conspiracy who believes the Constitution means what it says. smirk.gif

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I personally believe that gun ownership is a privilege also, if it weren't then everyone could own one, there are people who have lost their privilege to drive just like people have lost their privilege to own a firearm. I would much rather have gun ownership regulated than let any old joe be able to walk into a store and buy a gun. A criminal was a law abiding citizen at some point. And the Bill of Rights is not a god given UN-alienable right, our UN-alienable rights according to Thomas Jefferson, who plagiarized John Lockes "Two Treatises of Government" that we are entitled to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, or Lockes version" Life, Liberty and Property" I guess Property ownership was big 220 years ago, it had to have been, since they were the only ones who could vote.

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada

The RIGHT here is the right to self protection, and in today's society that means owning a firearm. How else is my 5ft 2in 110 lb girlfriend going to defend herself against a 6ft 2in 220 lb intruder? And don't say pepper spray or martial arts - those are fine IF you have a firearm for a backup when they fail, but they'll get you killed if you don't.

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Re: Gun confiscation has started in Canada


I personally believe that gun ownership is a privilege

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And what you believe is WRONG. The Second Ammendment is not a part of the "Bill of Privileges".


I would much rather have gun ownership regulated than let any old joe be able to walk into a store and buy a gun.

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And it already is regulated to the point of being strangulated. "Any old joe" must pass the instant check every time he attempts to purchase a firearm. I don't have a problem with that. Felons, alcoholics, druggies, illegal aliens, mental patients and people whose citizenship is not "in good standing" should not enjoy the same rights as a law-abiding citizen.


A criminal was a law abiding citizen at some point.

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So you wanna regulate everyone as "guilty until proven innocent"???????


And the Bill of Rights is not a god given UN-alienable right, our UN-alienable rights...

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That's "inalienable", by the way. wink.gif

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