When are the deer moving in the NE?


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I am curious on when your seeing deer movement up here in the NE?

I am seeing FAR less movement this year then in years past on my property.

I blamed some of it on the full moon last weekend but that excuse is loosing strength. LOL

Other then the almost non exsistance of our scrub apple crop, the food sources are great here but I am seeing hardly any deer move. Not even after dark.

Anyone else noticing less deer movement this year?

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Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

i havent seen a deer yet this year. but i drive a truck for a living and i have one feild that i drive by. and i have seen deer out there a all times of the day. me and my girlfriend drove by the field last night and saw a nie but out there but the dont let hunters in there. but i havent even seen deer in the apples this year.its just ganna be a hard year

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Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

In the Northern Zone here in Central NY during early bow season Deer movement was good. I kept moving treestand placement to get closer to their pattern.

With ML season opening up yesterday I figured I had it completely wired with all the patterning I did during bow season...until the wind direction had other plans or more accurately All Other Plans smirk.gif

There was not a direction the wind did not come from or go to yesterday...no direction was consistent for more than 10 minutes tongue.gif

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Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

This year I have been paying VERY close attention to wind direct.

In years past I would choose a stand and hunt it reguardless of wind. Most, if not all, of my stands cover multiple trails that ussually converge, or go on either side of the tree, etc. So I figured deer will and can from any direction so saving the stand for one particular wind was worthless.

In those years I saw many deer.

This year hardly anything. LOL

I guess I should forget the wind and just hunt-huh.

(sounds like a commercial catch phrase-LOL)

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Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

Funny you should mention that John.

I had almost hit 2 doe in 2 mornings (11:30am) while driving my daughter to kindergarden.

I took the second time to heart and was out minutes after getting home that day (12pm)

Sat all the remainder of the day to see 2 big doe at 6:30pm walking a fence line off my back line. LOL

I was way up in the woods too hoping to see a buck running the ridgeline/draw I am in...

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Guest luckyman4

Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

I've been seeing alot of midday movement. My father and I sat out Sunday morning, and just as I was getting ready to go in we finally saw a doe, but she got by us. . . that was 10:15am. Saw deer feeding in a field in the middle of a NASTY sleet storm at 2:30pm Saturday, and then yesterday at the same time, but in a location about 2 hours away. I didn't hunt Saturday evening, but no one elde in our party saw anything on their evening hunt.

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Guest BowHunterNH

Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

Same as the other guys. Hunting in northern NH this past weekend we jumped does on the way to our stands before daylight. Nothing during the day or in the evening. We need to get those bucks thinking about the rut.

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Guest lobsterman

Re: When are the deer moving in the NE?

well, my father shot a decent 4pointer on friday night, (said it followed his tinks 69 trail), saturday morning i saw a doe and a fawn, but had no shot...saturday night my brother in law, shot at a nice 8or10 pointer, but missed clean....so they are moving a bit, but im sure theyll be moving more soon...l

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