pellets or loose powder?

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Re: pellets or loose powder?

I've shot loose powder ever since I've used a muzzle loader. With the pros and cons of hunting with pellets, I decided to stick with powder. I just pre-measure a couple charges before the can load them just as quick as the I dont really see the benefits of the pellets myself..... smirk.gif

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Guest MZ_shooter

Re: pellets or loose powder?

Pellets are easier for some, and they will give you an acceptable level of accuracy. But you cannot fine tune your weapon with pellets like you can with loose powder. Depends on what’s important to you, ease of use or maximum performance.

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Re: pellets or loose powder?

I am from PA where the flintlock is still king. Goex (gooex) is what I have used since the 1970's when I got a sidelock percussion I still used good old Gooex. Now that I have an inline I experimented with pyrodex and didn't like it over gooex. I also tried that APP junk and found it to be the weakest powder of all.

Being a frugal sort of guy (aka cheap) I find the pellets way too expensive at around $25 a box vs $17 a pound for gooex. Why would I pay $50 and get 100 shots using two pellets when for $17 I can get 87 shots. I like to shoot and play around with powder/bullet/sabot combos and I would not be able to experiment much with the pellets due to cost and load limitations.

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