A curse...


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Yep it seems every year I miss the first deer that I shoot at. Always a clean miss, sometimes from misjudged yardage sometimes from on obsticle I didn't notice.

Soooo... every year a pray that it won't happen but this year it did... my first shot attempt for the year was on a buck I would have aged about 5.5 and had 14 inch split G2's and bases the size of a pop (or soda grin.gif) can. Conservative estimate 140 class.

I was hunting the edge of a corn field and my hunting partner was hunting close by in the woods. Well she ended up getting on the wrong trail in the dark and set up in a different tree than normal. She watched a big fat raccoon play around for quite a while and then noticed some deer moving in, it was the big one and a younger 6 point. As they got closer she drew back, they were coming until the big buck got to a plce the raccoon had been and evidently he didn't like it. He let out the biggest snort I've ever heard and then I heard him busting threw the brush in my direction. He came out behind me in an area I cant shoot because of how the tree I am in is. He stopped about 12 feet away in a bunch of brush and then headed to my right. He was at about 25 yards and stopped broadside to check out the clearing before going into the cornfield. There was some briars low but I had a good opening for his vitals just had to clear one branch. I released the arrow and the shot looked good, the front end of the arrow just cleared the branch but the very back end hit and sent the arrow about 2 inches under him. He wasn't overly spooked, he trotted out into the clearing, looked around and walked/trotted off while I was praying for him to stop while I tried to get another arrow on.

Sue said she was excited when he headed right toward my stand and then she was like "Oh no, it's the first deer - hope he doesn't miss this time" blush.gif

Oh well it was a really nice weekend and we saw a decent amount of deer, next weekend is the last time we will be able to hunt this farm this year so hopefully we can catch up to one of them yet.

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Re: A curse...


maybe u should go out before the season even starts and try to whack a doe, that way your curse will be gone before the season even starts! kidding of course haha, sorry to hear about the miss. sounds like you didnt spook him too much so he'll show up again sometime. Good luck


[/ QUOTE ]lol thats a good one

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Guest Mathews4

Re: A curse...

i also have a curse. i cant kill a deer in october. i could shoot at 100 deer and miss them all, but come november 1st the killing begins. im already 0-2 so it looks like i may still be cursed as well. so november cant get here soon enough for me...lol

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Re: A curse...

ouch..that hurts but maybe try and get it all outta your system and help yourself out, if it were me id definetly take great pride in climbing that other tree and with a huge smile on my face, cut that limb or branch that your arrow came in contact with!!!...get back out there he didnt go far, good luck and keep trying.

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