Not a bad weekend


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I just didn't get to put my tag on a deer. Friday night Andy and I pick up the neighbor and drive the 45 minutes to 1 hour to the neighbors cabin. It was at least midnight by the time we went to bed and no one slept very much smirk.gif Saturday morning from the ladder stand, just after it got light, buck steps out 25 yards, quartering towards me sharply, started to get my win, took a shot and missed! I was over excited and the angle isn't the greatest - learned my lesson. Saw nothing that night. sunday morning about quarter to 9am, saw a nice buck a couple hundred yards way at the top of the hill in the goldenrod, then a doe about 20 yards to my left - a nice fat one to, but couldn't get a shot, too much brush. Then last night at around 5, a nice 6 or 8 point came out about 50 yards to my left and walked down the edge of the spruces, never close enough. then when the sun set, a neat old buck steps out down the path in front of me. He was wide but had a thin rack and maybe 4 points? That's all I could tell but I think he was an old deer. so we saw deer, but everyone came home empty handed. When I get home, Andy and I will be going out on the farm land we always hunt - our trusty stand set-ups and we'll see if anything happens.

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