10-5-06 IL 11 Point


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I shot this deer on the very first day I hunted this year. Luck was definately on my side too. I decided I was not going to go to my honey hole until the rut hit so I went to the only other place I have to hunt. I usually never see very many deer at this particular farm and I rarely ever see anything worth shooting. Long story short I set up a stand at 2:30 in the afternoon. I went back into town for a drink and was back up in the same stand at 5:00. At about 6:00 deer started to file into the field. It was a group of 9 bucks. 3 two and a 1/2 year olds 5 little basket racks and this guy. He came almost directly to my stand. At 30 yards he turned broadside and I let my new switchback XT do the rest of the work. He ran about 50 yards to the middle of the field and piled up. I admit this was pretty lucky, but I will take a little bit of luck anyday. He has 11 scoreable points and grossed 151 5/8.



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