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....but yet so far. I went out this evening and sat in a spectacular spot. There is a corn field 4 trails and 3 scrapes in the corner of this cornfield. At 5:20 pm I see a doe coming out from under this pine tree 15 yards away. I come to realize that this doe might be the biggest doe I have ever seen in my life. I look closer and see three more deer coming behind her. I wait to make sure none of them are bucks. She walks to about 30 yards (farther than I am comfortable shooting) the other 3 follow her. They mill around for about 5 minutes. They start to walk towards me in the direction they came from. The smaller ones came to about 10 yards. The big girl comes in to 20 yards. I CANT GET HER TO STOP! I grunt at her and she starts to run away. I never got a shot. frown.gif I can never het things to work my way. Ohh well that is why its is called hunting not killing I guess lol. This saturday should be the day. Good luck to everyone!

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