No more hunting ???


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I reached my tree stand and the same guy that hates me hunting near his property left me a note on my stand saying "no hunting in city limits."

I have called the police department on two occasions in the past 2 years to be sure that I can hunt where I do. They told me both times you just can't shoot a firearm within city limits, but since a bow isn't a firearm then its ok. So I've only been bowhunting there. last year even during shotgun season, I hunted with my bow.

This is the spot that I've spent hundreds of dollars making foodplots and spent over 30 hours cutting weeds with a push mower, weed wacker and the like.

I stopped by the police station once again and they told me that there has never been hunting allowed in city limits with a bow or firearm.

Can you believe that!!! I've been hunting there for 6 years all by myself and now I'm told there isn't any hunting allowed, bow or gun.

i have even passed police officers with my bow in my hand and they just wave hello to me. I've introduced myself to owners of the new homes there telling them that I've had permission to hunt there - they all wave when I pass by or am getting in or out of my car/truck. The worst part is that i spent all that money on a spot that I won't be able to hunt on now - all because the dispatcher gave me wrong info - twice (two different dispatchers).

I say, if a dispatcher doesn't know the law he/she should check it out before they start giving out info to the public like that.


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Re: No more hunting ???

This issue should be the biggest concern to hunters. Loss of habitat is single biggest issue facing hunters today. Maybe some of you say "I dont care, I have my own land". I will tell you are you only going to screw yourself in the future.

Everytime we loose habitat we loose hunters, the less hunters the less powerful we collectly become when it comes to hunting rights. This year I was a misplaced hunter because the woods I hunted for 10 years became a subdivison. In Wi, we lost thousands of acres of public land owned by a local timber company when they pulled all of it out of the forest cropland program. It is now private land that can be leased for around $1600/40a.

I've seen this happening all over, the faster we loose habitat less powerful the hunting community becomes. Not to mention the few public lands that remain, become insanely overcrowded. I know of several people that have simple given up due to sheer frustration of having to deal with hunting on public group.

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Re: No more hunting ???


That stinks. I feel your pain. I would look up the law, it sounds like the police are confused. They may have it wrong about the hunting. Look up the law yourself to be sure.

Good luck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, find a law specifically banning hunting within the city limits.

My guess is, it's only a ban on firearm discharge within the city limits and Bowhunting is NOT mentioned at all.

Print out a copy of that law and bring it with you wink.gif

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Re: No more hunting ???

I just called the town hall and they are going to look it up for me. I'm anxious to find out if the police really know what the law is. I can't imagine that they have changed anything in the last 10 years and without all the development going on at that time, I would imagine that it is still legal. But it looks like I'll know for sure by Friday - if I'm right, I can't wait to go that guys house and stick it to him.

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Re: No more hunting ???

Hey I did some research and looked up Chicago, since that is what it says on your city. Im not sure if this is where you hunt or not.....

but here is the site...

and for those of us who are lazy here you go...

8-24-010 Discharging firearms.

No person shall fire or discharge any gun, pistol, or other firearm within the city, except upon premises used by a duly licensed shooting gallery, gun club, or rifle club, or in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-24-050 of this code.

No cannon or piece of artillery shall be discharged or fired off in any public way or other public place within the city, except upon the express permission of the city council.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $250.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to sheriffs, coroners, constables, members of the police force, or other peace officers engaged in the discharge of their official duties, or to any person summoned by any of such officers to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace while such person so summoned is engaged in assisting such officer. (Prior code 193-29; Amend. C.J.7-7-92, p. 19196)

8-24-020 Carrying dangerous weapons.

No person shall sell, offer for sale, keep, possess, loan or give to any person any knife, the blade of which is release by a spring mechanism, including knives known as "switch-blades", any blackjack, slingshot, sandclub, sandbag, metal knuckles or bludgeon. No person shall sell, offer for sale, loan or give to any person 18 years of age or under any type or kind of knife, any blade of which is two inches in length or longer.

No person shall sell, manufacture, purchase, possess or carry any weapon from which eight or more shots or bullets may be discharged by a single function of the firing device.

No person shall carry or possess any knife, the blade of which is released by a spring mechanism, including knives known as "switch-blades", any blackjack, slingshot, sandclub, sandbag, metal knuckles or bludgeon. No person 18 years of age or under shall carry or possess any knife, the blade of which is two inches in length or longer.

No person shall carry or possess with the intent to use same unlawfully against another a dagger, dirk, billy dangerous knife, razor, stiletto or other dangerous or deadly weapon.

No person shall carry concealed on or about his person a pistol, revolver, derringer or other firearm or dagger, dirk, stiletto, bowie knife, commando knife, any blade of which is released by a spring mechanism, including known knives as "switch-blades" or any other type or kind of knife, any blade of which is more than two and one-half inches in length, ordinary razor or other dangerous weapon except that no person 18 years of age or under shall carry concealed on or about his person, any knife, the blade of which is two inches in length or longer. This provision shall not apply, however, to the following officers while engaged in the discharge of their official duties: sheriffs, coroners, constables, policemen, or other duly constituted police officers and warden, superintendents and keepers of prisons, penitentiaries, jails and other institutions for the detention of persons accused or convicted of crime; nor to the following employees or agents while engaged in the discharge of duties of their employment: conductors, baggage men, messengers, drivers, watchmen, special agents and policemen employed by railroads or express companies; nor to persons lawfully summoned by an officer to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace, while so engaged in assisting such officer.

Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined $200.00 for each offense, or shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

In addition to all other penalties, weapons used in violation of this section shall be forfeited to, and confiscated by, the city. (Prior code 193-30)

8-24-021 Sale, display and use of utility knives.

(a) As used in this section, a "utility knife" is a knife consisting of a grip and single-edged sharp blade of the type typically used to cut such resistant surfaces as rugs, cardboard boxes, linoleum flooring and the like.

(b) No person shall display or offer for sale any utility knife except by placing the knife either(1) in an area immediately accessible only to an employee of the establishment, and beyond the reach of any customer less than seven feet tall; or (2) in a locked display cabinet, which can only be opened by an employee of the establishment.

© No person under the age of 18 shall carry a utility knife on his person, or in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle. This prohibition shall not apply to a minor using a utility knife for a lawful purpose (1) in his residence, under the immediate supervision of his parent or legal guardian; or (2) in a classroom, at the direction and under immediate supervision of his teacher; or (3) in his place of lawful employment, at the direction and under the immediate supervision of his adult employer or an adult supervisor. For purpose of clause (3) of this subsection ©, "place of employment" includes an employer's motor vehicle used to transport the employer's tools and equipment, as well as a site where the employer is performing any lawful work.

(d) No person shall sell, offer to sell, give, deliver or offer a utility knife to a person under the age of 18. The prohibition on giving, offering or delivery of a utility knife shall not apply to (1) a parent or legal guardian who gives a utility knife to his minor or ward in the family residence for a lawful use, to be performed within the residence at the direction and under the immediate supervision of parent or legal guardian; or (2) a teacher who gives a utility knife to a minor student, or who allows or directs a minor student to take possession of a utility knife, in a classroom for a lawful use, to be performed in the classroom at the direction and under the immediate supervision of the teacher; or (3) to an adult employer, who gives a utility knife to a minor employee, or who allows or directs a minor employee to take possession of a utility knife, in the place of lawful employment, at the direction and under the immediate supervision of the adult employer or an adult supervisor. For purposes of clause (3) of this subsection (d), "place of employment" includes an employer's motor vehicle used to transport the employer's tools and equipment, as well as a site where the employer is performing any lawful work.

(e) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $500.00 and not more than $1,000.00. (Added. C.J. 9-10-97, p. 51559)

8-24-025 Assault weapons or ammunition- Sale Prohibited - Exceptions.

(a) No person shall sell, offer or display for sale, give, lend, transfer ownership of, acquire or possess any assault weapon or assault ammunition, as those terms are defined in Chapter 8-20 of this code. This section shall not apply to any officer, agent, or employee of this or any other municipality or state or of the United States, members of the armed forces of the United States, or the organized militia of this or any other state, and peace officers as defined in this code to the extent that any such person is otherwise authorized to acquire or possess an assault weapon or assault ammunition and is acting within the scope of his or her duties. In addition, this section shall not apply to the acquisition or possession of assault ammunition by persons employed to provide security for armored carriers or mobile check cashing services while in the course of such duties, while commuting directly to or from the person's place of employment, and while at the person's home, if the assault ammunition (1) is acquired or possessed for the use with a weapon that the person has been authorized to carry under Section 28 of the Illinois Private Detective, Private Alarm and Private Security Act of 1983; and (2) consists of an ammunition magazine that has a capacity of 15 or fewer rounds of ammunition.

(b) Any assault weapon or assault ammunition possessed, sold or transferred in violation of subsection (a) is hereby declared to be contraband and shall be seized and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-20-220.

© Any person found in violation of this section shall be sentenced to not more than six months imprisonment or fined not less than $500.00 and not more than $1,000.00 or both.

(d) Any person who, prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or assault ammunition prohibited by this section shall have 14 days from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution hereunder:

(1) To remove the assault weapon or ammunition from within the limits of the city of Chicago; or

(2) To modify the assault weapon either to render it permanently inoperable or to permanently make it a device no longer defined as an assault weapon; or

(3) To surrender the assault weapon or ammunition to the superintendent of police or his designee for disposal in accordance with Section 8-20-220. (Added C.J. 7-7-92, p. 19196; Amend. C.J. 7-29-92, p. 20068; 9-14-94, p. 56287)

8-24-026 Fragmenting bullets and metal piercing bullets - Sale prohibited - Exceptions.

(a) No person shall manufacture, sell, offer or display for sale, give, lend, transfer ownership of, acquire or possess any fragmenting bullets, metal piercing bullets, or disc projectile ammunition. This section shall not apply to any officer, agent, or employee of this or any other municipality or state or of the United States, members of the armed forces of the United States, or the organized militia of this or any other state, and peace officers as defined in this code to the extent that any such person is otherwise authorized to acquire or possess fragmenting bullets, metal piercing bullets, or disc projectile ammunition and is acting within the scope of his or her duties.

(b) Any fragmenting bullets, metal piercing bullets, or disc projectile ammunition manufactured, possessed, sold or transferred in violation of subsection (a) are hereby declared to be contraband and shall be seized and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-2-220.

© Any person found in violation of this section shall be sentenced to not more than six months imprisonment or fined $500.00, or both. (Added. C.J. 2-8-95, p. 65436; Amend. C.J. 8-2-95, p. 5626)

8-24-030 Sale prohibited - Confiscation.

No person shall sell, offer for sale, manufacture, purchase, possess or carry within the city any weapon or instrument associated with martial arts combat, including but not limited to throwing darts, bolts, Chinese stars, Nun-chako sticks, and wristbands or belts with sharpened or abrasive studs. Any person found violating the provisions of this section shall be fined $200.00 for each offense, or shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of six months, or shall receive both such fine and imprisonment.

In addition to all other penalties, weapons and instruments used in violation of this section shall be forfeited to and confiscated by the city. (Prior code 193-30.1; Added. C.J. 4-23-86, p. 29530)

8-24-040 Discharging toy firearms.

No person shall at any time discharge or set off anywhere within the city, or have in his possession for such purpose any toy firearm, air rifle, toy cannon, or any gun that discharges projectiles either by air, spring, explosive, substance, or any other force. (Prior code 193-31)

8-24-050 Hunting.

Any person licensed to hunt under the provisions of The Illinois Wildlife Code, as amended, may hunt or kill game birds in the open season as provided by the laws of the state, within the following prescribed districts and portions of the city: upon Wolf Lake and along the shores thereof; upon Lake Calumet and along the shores thereof; and upon the Calumet River and along the banks thereof.

Provided, however, that no weapons shall be used for the purpose of hunting such birds, or killing or wounding, or attempting to kill or wound such birds, other than a shotgun, and that such shotgun shall not be discharged anywhere within 750 feet of (1) any building or structure used or intended for human habitation or employment, or to be used as a barn or stable; or (2) the centerline of the right-of-way of Stony Island Avenue.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $250.00. (Prior code 193-32; Amend. C.J. 5-16-90, p. 15819)

8-24-060 Violation - Penalty.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter, where no other penalty is specifically provided, shall be fined not more than $200.00 for each offense. (Prior code 193-35(part))

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Guest chronic

Re: No more hunting ???

This is Chicago we are talking about. You should be able to find the laws concerning the discharge of firearms on the internet. I am at school right now and will check, maybe I'll leave you a post.

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Re: No more hunting ???


No person shall carry or possess with the intent to use same unlawfully against another a dagger, dirk, billy dangerous knife, razor, stiletto or other dangerous or deadly weapon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Though it's not specifically stated as such....I'm fairly sure a Bow could be interpreted as a Deadly Weapon.

Could Deer be interpreted as "against another"????

I geuss that would depend on how bad you ticked off the Police or Game Warden tongue.gif

Call the DNR wink.gif

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Re: No more hunting ???

Hey guys, I appreciate the research. I hunt in Indiana - at least this is where that particular land is, second I called the Indiana DNR and asked about hunting with a bow during shotgun last year and they said that i could, I would just have to wear hunter orange.

Some posts were posted while I was on the phone, so here is my previous post:


I just called the town hall and they are going to look it up for me. I'm anxious to find out if the police really know what the law is. I can't imagine that they have changed anything in the last 10 years and without all the development going on at that time, I would imagine that it is still legal. But it looks like I'll know for sure by Friday - if I'm right, I can't wait to go that guys house and stick it to him.

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Re: No more hunting ???

Ok, now that you say Indiana......If I were a gambling man, I would bet a lot of money right now that you CAN use archery equipment within city limits....I live just a little south of Indianapolis, and I hunt in Marion County every once in awhile.....You are probably wondering why that is significant...well Indianapolis city limts are the same as the county, so once you are in Marion County you are in Indianapolis...You should be good to gol.

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Re: No more hunting ???

It appears that most of these state and municiple laws never want to come right out and say anything about a bow. They dance all around the subject and consequently leave a big gaping hole for judges and law enforcement people to use their imaginations with. That is why you have a hard time getting anyone to commit to any one single answer. They are just as confused as anyone else. I think a lot of it is an interpretation of whether a bow is a firearm or not. I believe that a lot of jurisdictions do consider a bow a firearm even though it doesn't go boom. Why they can't write these laws a bit more precisely is beyond me.


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Re: No more hunting ???


I just called the town hall and they are going to look it up for me. I'm anxious to find out if the police really know what the law is. I can't imagine that they have changed anything in the last 10 years and without all the development going on at that time, I would imagine that it is still legal. But it looks like I'll know for sure by Friday - if I'm right, I can't wait to go that guys house and stick it to him.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope you're legal.

If that were in AR, the guy could get a $500 for harrasing a hunter. grin.gif

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Re: No more hunting ???

I think you may have gotten correct info from the two previous and the wrong info from this latest guy. All city limits I know of you can hunt with a bow but not allowed to discharge a firearm with the limits. I think you got some bad info, and the other two knew what they were saying. I'd still be hunting there. The game wardens should be able to clear this up for you.

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Ok, I found out for certain.

Sec. 12-5. Discharge, etc. of firearms, airguns, etc.

(a) It shall be unlawful and prohibited for any person to point, aim, fire, discharge, or to suffer, permit or allow to be pointed, aimed, fired or discharged, any gun, pistol, rifle, revolver, firearm or any other similar weapon or device of any type within the municipal corporate limits of the town, except as otherwise permitted by applicable law.

(b) The regulations and prohibitions of this section shall not apply to police officers in the performance of their duties.

© The violation of any provision of this section, as amended from time to time, in addition to any penalties prescribed under any applicable state law, shall be punishable as follows for each offense, namely:

(1) First offense, a fine of no less than three hundred dollars ($300.00).

(2) Second offense, a fine of no less than five hundred dollars ($500.00).

(3) Third offense, a fine of no less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

(4) Fourth offense, a fine of no less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).

Each day of any violation of this section, as amended from time to time, shall constitute a separate offense.

(Code 1983, 36-5-2-9(h), §§ 1, 2, 4; Ord. No. 996, §§ 1--3, 10-3-95)

Sec. 12-6. Discharge of bows, etc.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use, shoot, or discharge within the town limits any bow and arrow, slingshot, or other similar device which is intended to propel an arrow, pellet, stone or any other similar projectile.

(b) It shall be unlawful for the parent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of a minor under the age of eighteen (18) years, to knowingly permit such minor to use, shoot, or discharge any bow and arrow, slingshot, or other similar device which is intended to propel an arrow, pellet, stone or any other similar projectile within the town limits.

(Code 1983, 36-5-2-9(h), §§ 5, 6)

bowhunten4life, I used to hunt in Marion County a few years ago when I lived there and yes you are right. anywhere in the city of Indianapolis counts - not only that, they have early archery season there too beginning Sept 15th.

This is sad, but you know if cops saw me and didn't say anything.....

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Guest bwilson301

Re: Ok, I found out for certain.

i was going to say, not all cities and towns allow bowhunting, were i live it is against the law to shoot your bow in the city limits. warrensburg, missouri

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