Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!!


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Re: Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!!

Just watched a short video on the subject. The man, 81 years old, survived but suffered a collapsed lung and may have to undergo open heart surgery. About a foot of the barb went into his chest, doctors removed part of it but they fear that the other half may have migrated.

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Re: Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!!

At first it was pretty confusing as to how this may have happened. But after the ray jumped in the boat, he PICKED IT UP and tried to throw it back in the water. That's when he got stuck.

Had he pulled the barb out, he would have died like Steve Irwin but the barb could not be seen.

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Re: Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!!



That is a crazy accident!!!

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That's twice, now. I think it's a conspiracy pact between the stingrays and Iran or N. Korea or the democrats. Keep your eyes open near saltwater. They are out to get us all. shocked.gif

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I agree. Something crazy is going on!!

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Re: Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!!


Just as an FYI to anyone who might read this:::: if your chest is impaled with some object (any object to be exact), don't pull it out....

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I wish I would have known this LAST WEEK! Man, did that hurt...pesky sword wielding Samuri's!

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Re: Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!!


When I was a kid living in Florida my grandfather would take me fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. I happened to us one time when we were out fishing. My grandfather was smart enough to gaff it to death before feeding it to the sharks grin.gifwink.gif.

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You should have kept it after you killed it. Stingray are very good to eat. If you like will like stingray. A lot of the restaurants here sell you "scallops" but they are actually the belly of stingrays. It's a white meat, not fishy, and tastes exactly like scallops.

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