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I just got done watching Buckmasters and Michael Waddell was a quest on the show today. Michael explained on the show how he had gotten the idea for "Roadtrips". Micheal had talked about sitting around camp singing old Hank Jr. songs and playing guitar. Michael knew right then and there, that's what hunting is all about. Hunting is about the friends you make, the stories you share, and enjoying everything that Mother Nature has to offer. The "kill" is secondary. Hats off to Michael and Roadtrips!!!!

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Re: Roadtrips

I saw that Buckmasters show it was a good one, and I agree with you Randy. IMO Roadtrips is the best hunting show that is on the television, but Gettin Close comes in second because it is not hard to watch Tiffany Lakosky grin.gif .....but anyways the realism that Michael wanted to bring to the hunting world is what I love, all the behind the scenes stuff that we all go through. I look forward to sunday nights at 9 every week

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Re: Roadtrips

I love the show and I think Michael is the premier celebrity in the US right now.....well Tiffany Lakosky is a close second! laugh.gifwink.gif

Friends and family is the draw to hunting for me personally. I hunt alone due to the size of the land I hunt and I really miss camp with the boys. Ah well, maybe next season.


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Re: Roadtrips

i like roadtrips too, but on this replay of his elk hunt on the wagonhound ranch in wyoming, its right outside my hometown, they show it when he arrives...anyways the wagonhound ranch is huge, owned by some cali guy who makes more in one day than we will in a lifetime....he allows the locals to harvest like 20 cow elk off the ranch...NO BULLS FOR LOCAL HUNTERS....guess money talks and locals walk...i still love the show, but i thought i would shed a little light on the ranch is all..ok im done venting...carry on wink.gif

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Re: Roadtrips

I guess the point I was trying to make is the fact that hunting isn't just about killing. Don't get me wrong I understand that making TV shows would be hard to sell without the kill, and I enjoy the kill as well (and at this day and age sometimes take lots of $$$). I guess I was hoping that other people thought the same way I do about the "whole package" when it comes to hunting. Thank you for your thoughts on this issue.

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Re: Roadtrips


i like roadtrips too, but on this replay of his elk hunt on the wagonhound ranch in wyoming, its right outside my hometown, they show it when he arrives...anyways the wagonhound ranch is huge, owned by some cali guy who makes more in one day than we will in a lifetime....he allows the locals to harvest like 20 cow elk off the ranch...NO BULLS FOR LOCAL HUNTERS....guess money talks and locals walk...i still love the show, but i thought i would shed a little light on the ranch is all..ok im done venting...carry on wink.gif

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I don't see a problem with's his land and his rules. I think it is pretty generous that he lets people harvest the cow elk at all....there is a market for that too. Don't hate him because he is rich, try to be like him.



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Re: Roadtrips

i like michaels show.its my favorite show on tv.i agree with randy in that its not just the kill, its the hunt.just today i had a friend who is only 11 kill his first muzzleloader was only a small 4 point but he had a lot of fun and was proud.thats wat its about.and on the wyoming elk hunt and all other ranches i understand you need to charge for the hunt to pay for the ranch but its not a real camp, its a business.

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Re: Roadtrips




Who's this Waddell guy? confused.gif

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Is that a joke?? grin.gifcrazy.gif

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I hope it is!!!

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I think the point trying to be made is that we never se Michael, David or Bill on here but hear about them on other sites all the time. Kinda like not dancin' with the one that brung ya!

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