Easton ACC's


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I'm thinking of trying some ACC's and wanted to get some opinions on these arrows. Are they durable, are they consistent in spine as advertised, and are they worth the extra money? Do broadheads require adapters so that the diameter of the shaft and broadhead ferrule match? I've shot Beman ICS and XX78 Superslam Selects the past two years and these are good arrows but I'd like to try the ACC's. Thanks!

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Re: Easton ACC\'s

ACC's are an extremely good arrow. They are durable, but not as much as Gold Tip XT (all carbon). ACC's have an aluminum shaft inside the carbon that will bend. The spine and weight is very consistent. I think sizes -349 and larger use inserts just like alum shafts for broadheads. The smaller shafts have half-in half-out inserts I think.

Overall the ACC's are very good shafts. I've shot them, but for the price, I'll stick with my GT XT 55/75's.

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Re: Easton ACC\'s

Everyone that I have recommended them to at the shop that has bought them loves them. I used the same 4 for 3-d all last year and still have 3 left that I have hunted with all season. They all still spin true. They may not be linecutters for 3-d like the bigger shafts but they fly flatter than a larger shaft at the same weight and speed due to less drag. For hunting they penetrate awesome due to the small diameter and are tough as nails. If you shop around you can get a dozen raw shafts for $125. I got a good deal from Keystone last year for $110. Plus, they do make an insert for 3-39 but they are hard to find. If I had to make a choice between 3-49 with insets or 3-39 with outserts I would take the 3-49.

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Re: Easton ACC\'s

thats the only draw back about ACCs is that they do bend if you shank one in the ground... yep and i have bent a few in the last few years..

the other draw back is that because of the strict tolerances. you cant buy one lot of Accs one year and have the same lot the next year... i shot 3-28 for field and 3D 2 years ago. i had 4 left over so i orderd a new dozen 3-28s last spring.. they were 10 grs differant than the 4 i had left over.. so they didnt fly the same..

i really like shooting Accs for 3d and field rounds but i believe there are better choices for a little less money for hunting arrows.. the Goldtip pro series are just as straight and they are even tougher than ACCs.

i shoot lots of differant arrows for lots of differant things.. Easton Accs for 3d and field , Goldtip Pro series for huntingand Easton 2613s for indoor competition...

you an shoot them for hunting but be aware that they do have a few draw backs..

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