My Return to the Woods


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Re: My Return to the Woods

Thanks folks, had a great time.

Have to give a shout out to my buddy Tom. He did everything for me as I'm just not able to hump those hills and carry a lot of weight just yet. I still get tired pretty quick.

It really didn't matter if I saw anything or not. Just to be out there with a buddy, sitting in the treestand listening, watching on a beautiful evening is all I could ever dream for.

The next morning I was in the same stand. It was an absolutely beautiful morning. Temp was around 35, clear skies and Tom and I saw 3 or 4 shooting stars as we drove in and got the camo on. Tom dropped me off and I walked to the ladder stand, piece of cake. I did have to take one rest along the way, but the brilliant stars made the wait worth it. I got to the ladder stand and got set up. As I was setting up, I heard some deer running around to the south, and then they started sparring. It was too dark to see how big they were, but they didn't sound too serious about the fight. They did tussle with each other until dawn (about 20 minutes or so) and it abruptly ended with one of them snorting. I never did see them.

Around 8 o'clock, the sun peaked over the hill, and as it rose it was hitting me almost directly in the eye. Just then, I heard some footsteps, I looked up the hill to see a little deer browsing on some leaves right at the base of a tree. I figured it might be the lone deer I saw from the night before. I pulled out my grunt tube and gave it a toot. The deer looked my way but didn't budge, so I pulled out the can call and tipped it over, again, it looked but didn't move. As I kept tipping the call over, I noticed movement in a thicket to the left. Here it was momma, and she was very interested in that can call, in fact, she started walking right down the hill, and as she closed the distance to about 20 yards, we were on the same eye level because of the slope of the hill. On top of that, I'm sure I looked like a beacon with the sun shining on me like that. A few more steps, and I think she made me out, but she was really curious about that can call. As long as I kept tipping it, she kept coming. Well, as luck would have it, she stayed in range at 20 yards, but she never came out of that thicket to offer a shot at vitals. She did a complete semi-circle around me trying to find the fawn in distress. I'd say she hung around for at least 20 minutes before she finally wandered off.

That's all I saw for the rest of the morning. Tom saw 5, but I'll let him tell you about that adventure.

Sure was good to get out. I think I overdid it, pretty sore afterwards, and today, but I think it was worth it.

Thanks again Tom. cool.gif

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Re: My Return to the Woods


Tom saw 5, but I'll let him tell you about that adventure.

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One small 8 point basket rack buck at 8:50am, five minutes later 2 does and 2 yearlings came through. I stopped the biggest doe at 26 yards, settled the pin and released. Hit a tree and deflected the arrow down and to the right, right under her belly. I'm not sure if the arrows fletching hit her belly, but she took a big leaping jump and ran about 10-15 yards, looked around and walked away with the others.

The Trykon is 2 for 3 now.... crazy.gifsmirk.gifwink.gif

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