I just got the call


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My dad just called from the vet and said he was just getting worse so they are having him put down. For those who didn't see the other post. Him that I am referring to was my chocolate lab puppy, he was 8 weeks and tomorrow would have been 2 weeks that i had him. Thursday he started gettting sick so I took him in and they found giardia in him and he tested positive for Parvo. He was supposed to have had his first round of shots and come out of a parvo free enviroment according to the breeder but it was only 10 days from when I got him to when he startedshowing symptoms barely long enough for it to incubate. But anyways we got him what treatments we could afford and I have been nursing him around the clock since then but he has only gotten worse, and that me brings me back to today. Thanks to everyone who had him in your prayers.

This is a pic of him the day I got him


R.I.P Beau

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Re: I just got the call


sorry about the bad news. Parvo is one bag bug. I would think the breeder should refund your money or replace the puppy.


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that is what we thought to but when we called he just kept insisting that it couldn't have got it from there. I really am afraid to get another one anyways because I know the bacteria can live in the house and yard for several months but we were hoping to at least get the refund to cover some of the $200 + dollars in vet bills.

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Re: I just got the call

yea i feel ya, i had a year and a half old chocolate lab.great duck dog and a great friend.he had always through up every now and then for bout a month then he started throwin up blood.we took him to the vet and he had somethen in his blood.they tried a blood transfusion but it didnt work and he past away.i am very sry.

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Re: I just got the call


I lost a dog to Parvo myself, horrible thing for dogs to have to endure. I didn't have money for a vet, so unfortunately, she suffered, and I didn't have the heart to put her down myself. Sorry for your loss. I only had her for 2 months and I cried like a baby!!

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Thats kind of the sitiation I was in. I'm a college student and am not currently working. I couldn't afford the best treatment but I spent everything I could trying to make him better and it didn't work. Luckily my parents offered to pay to have him put down because I couldnt have done it myself and couldnt stand to watch him suffer.

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