Let the muzzy work


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Went out yesterday afternoon and seen a great 8 point, but he just checked the does and went on about his business. Only seen him for maybe 2-3 minutes and he was never close enough for a shot, but things should start changing soon, and maybe I can get a shot at him.

About 7pm last night, there was still 2 does and their fawns from this year out in front of me, well all of a sudden they just take off, and here came about 30 hogs. I was hoping one of the larger ones would come out and give me a shot, but they wouldn't. But I did have 5 or so that might have weighed 10 pounds and then there was 3 that was about 50-60 pounds, I picked one of them that was closest to me and let my muzzy do some work. Got a passthru shot and she only went about 50 yards.


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