Finally got another buck


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Yesterday, Oct -21-2006, the story

I went out to my grandpas early. We decided to drive out some of the small woods in my area. my grandpa drove 2 woods to me and nothing came out then I drove 2 woods out to him with only a couple of does running past him, he decided to let them go. So after those drives there was about half an hour of shooting time left. He drove to the area where out platform stand was but I was soaking wet and told him I was gonna walk the rest of the way home. (only half a mile). I decided to walk on the edge of a soy bean feild by a pinetree woods. as Im walking on the edge I notice some new rubs and scrapes that werent there 3 hours ago when we drove by. so I keep walking then I look back in the woods and notice a buck looking at me. so I raise my sluggun, aim, and fire. The buck goes down, and I am cheering like crazy. I walk up behind him and poke him with my gun, but he wasnt done, he lifted his head and tried to get his footing, it scared the daylights out of me, so I shot him again to finish him off. I then called my grandpa and he was over there in no time giving me high fives and hugs. I am so happy I got him, havent got a buck since 2004.

here are pics of the rack, sorry I dont have pics of the whole deer, there on our other digital camera, those will come soon:



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