Mosquito with a Cannon?


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Our deer around here average 100-125lbs. A GOOD doe will weight over 100. They’re small compared to the monsters up north. I’ve shot a .30-06 for several years and even considered that overkill.

Recently I was talking with a buddy of mine. He told me he bought a .300wsm. I asked if he got a good deal on it and if he was going Elk hunting? It was an honest question. He looked at me with a blank expression and said, “No, its for deer hunting.” Turns out he didn’t even get a good deal. He paid full price for the rifle. This completely boggles my mind. He had not intention of every hunting elk or large animals like black bear, yet he buys a cannon. Also, the ammo price far surpasses what many consider standard deer cartridges (.243, .260, .270, .280, 30-30, .308, .30-06, etc).

I know it’s repetitive but why? If you’re up north shooting 300lb deer at 300yds fine. Around here 125lbs is respectable and I’ve never shot a deer over 300yds. In fact I’ve only shot one over about 150yds. Now this guy is going to punish his wallet and shoulder for absolutely no reason! Get a good bullet with great expansion and weight retention and just about any cal listed above, not to mention many that weren’t listed, will kill anything walking around Oklahoma.

If he was going looking for elk or bear, fine. But under the circumstances I just don’t get it……

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

I've got a good friend here who hunts with a 338, I just don't understand it. I brags about the "blood cloud" after the shot. Personally I would rather be able to eat that far side shoulder than see it sprayed against a tree. Our deer are a little bigger than Jeramie's, an average doe will go 125-130 lbs and a big buck will go 180+. I hunt with a 243 and 25-06 and both are plenty for the deer around here. For a meat hunter 223 would be enough with these small deer.

I personally like the fact that I know I'm not going to flench from fright of my muzzle blast and the thought of my shoulder going numb.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

I have always used a 30-06 and am thinking of buying a 7mm rem mag but I also hope to hunt larger animals such as elk and black bear in the next couple years. If I was going just for whitetails I would buy a 25-06 hands down and promise you that no deer out there is going to know the difference between getting hit with a .243 or a .338 it will be just as dead. Only difference is that you will actually be able to enjoy more meat and enjoy shooting more if you use a smaller round.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

Yep, its called magnumitis. While I have a few magnums, they rarely get used anymore. I get a kick out of yahoos that have to have a magnum and shoot 100 pound deer at less than 50 yards. Even with black bears, there is no need for a magnum. Look at how many big critters that are taken by the old cartridges like the 7mm Mauser. It was a favorite of some of the fameous professional hunters in Africa for a long time. As powder technology has gotten bigger, there are some cartridges out today that were better left as wildcats.

Perhaps the people that have to have the RUMs, Lazzeronis, and big Weatherbys, have to make up for other shortcomings?

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


Those who buy and use those cannons have to have a gun to match their ego!! LOL!!!

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Is that right? confused.gif


Perhaps the people that have to have the RUMs, Lazzeronis, and big Weatherbys, have to make up for other shortcomings?

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Perhaps. smirk.gif

Maybe some folks just like to broaden their horizons. wink.gif Maybe some people are not bothered a bit by the recoil and expense of shooting the big, belted boomers. Maybe some folks oughtn't knock it 'til they've tried it. wink.gif Lotsa "maybes".

That being said..........I agree with Jeramie completely. Nobody "needs" to have a gun bigger than a .257 Roberts or .260 Rem. for whitetails. Nobody. So all you big egos with the .270's, .308's and 30-06's really need to get a grip on yourselves. What shortcomings are you attempting to compensate for?? confused.gifgrin.gifconfused.gif

I, for one, like to own and shoot guns that are not practical. I'd hazard a guess that anybody that has more than a .22, a .260 Rem and a 12 ga. shotgun owns more guns than he "needs". Why does Chevy make the Z06 Corvette when you're only allowed to go 65 or 70 most places. Who has a "need" for 200 mph when a Cobalt will take you the same place........actually more places if you have snow??

FWIW...........I'm going deer hunting this fall with a rifle that servesup 5500 ft/lbs at the muzzle. shocked.gif Sue me. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

I hunt mostly with a .223 and it does the job just fine. I would disagree that nobody needs a gun bigger than a .260 or .257 for deer. The reason alot of folks shoot the mags is not due to the size or to brag about size, but to have the superior ballastic performance at long ranges. I don't currently own any magnums , but have in the past and will say that out past 300yds they perform alot better than the non mag 30cals and therefore I think that folks who shoot long distance alot may be best suited for a magnum.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

If you look in the dictionary under magnumitis it says:

1. When one believes that somehow a magnum round is always needed to perform a task that a standard round is very capable of. Specifically for black bears. See pic. tongue.gif


There are times and places for the big cartridges. I would venture to say that fewer than 10% of hunters that have magnums will be in one of those situations or have the necessary skills to use the benefits of the cartridge.

Hmmm, how long until we see .300 Short Reduced-Recoil Magnum ammo being offered?

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

I use a .243 for all my deer and pig. Even on the big mulies in the Rockies. I'ved never had to chase an animal after shooting it with my 243.

I do use my 300 RUM on elk. I love the flat shooting at long range with large bullets and I have no problems with recoil.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

The other factor is for some people, like me, enjoy buying new guns and deploying them. Half the fun for me is putting a new gun together, getting good with it, and then filling the freezer.

I primarily hunt with my little .243 but I thoroughly enjoy the rare moments my 300 RUM gets to play!

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


Our deer around here average 100-125lbs. A GOOD doe will weight over 100. They’re small compared to the monsters up north. I’ve shot a .30-06 for several years and even considered that overkill.

Recently I was talking with a buddy of mine. He told me he bought a .300wsm. I asked if he got a good deal on it and if he was going Elk hunting? It was an honest question. He looked at me with a blank expression and said, “No, its for deer hunting.” Turns out he didn’t even get a good deal. He paid full price for the rifle. This completely boggles my mind. He had not intention of every hunting elk or large animals like black bear, yet he buys a cannon. Also, the ammo price far surpasses what many consider standard deer cartridges (.243, .260, .270, .280, 30-30, .308, .30-06, etc).

I know it’s repetitive but why? If you’re up north shooting 300lb deer at 300yds fine. Around here 125lbs is respectable and I’ve never shot a deer over 300yds. In fact I’ve only shot one over about 150yds. Now this guy is going to punish his wallet and shoulder for absolutely no reason! Get a good bullet with great expansion and weight retention and just about any cal listed above, not to mention many that weren’t listed, will kill anything walking around Oklahoma.

If he was going looking for elk or bear, fine. But under the circumstances I just don’t get it……

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I think guys do it because they want the instant drop dead in their tracks kill shot. I met a guy at a gun shop about 5 years ago buying a beautiful Browning Abolt 300 win mag. He said he was hunting with a 06 & was tired of the deer running off after being shot. I guess I looked at him like he was stupid.

I've seen alot of animals on tv from whitetail, muley & elk fall dead in their tracks after being shot with a 300. Matter of fact I saw on Gore Tex Outdoors about 3 weeks back, this guy shot a muley at 250 yards on the side of a mountain & the deer just fell & turned right side up with his hoofs sticking straight up in the air. That animal fell like that because of good bullet selection & proper shot placement. I myself want to buy a 300 wsm for future trips out west for things like elk & muleys, I wouldn't use it here in SC. No need for it.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?



Our deer around here average 100-125lbs. A GOOD doe will weight over 100. They’re small compared to the monsters up north. I’ve shot a .30-06 for several years and even considered that overkill.

Recently I was talking with a buddy of mine. He told me he bought a .300wsm. I asked if he got a good deal on it and if he was going Elk hunting? It was an honest question. He looked at me with a blank expression and said, “No, its for deer hunting.” Turns out he didn’t even get a good deal. He paid full price for the rifle. This completely boggles my mind. He had not intention of every hunting elk or large animals like black bear, yet he buys a cannon. Also, the ammo price far surpasses what many consider standard deer cartridges (.243, .260, .270, .280, 30-30, .308, .30-06, etc).

I know it’s repetitive but why? If you’re up north shooting 300lb deer at 300yds fine. Around here 125lbs is respectable and I’ve never shot a deer over 300yds. In fact I’ve only shot one over about 150yds. Now this guy is going to punish his wallet and shoulder for absolutely no reason! Get a good bullet with great expansion and weight retention and just about any cal listed above, not to mention many that weren’t listed, will kill anything walking around Oklahoma.

If he was going looking for elk or bear, fine. But under the circumstances I just don’t get it……

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I think guys do it because they want the instant drop dead in their tracks kill shot. I met a guy at a gun shop about 5 years ago buying a beautiful Browning Abolt 300 win mag. He said he was hunting with a 06 & was tired of the deer running off after being shot. I guess I looked at him like he was stupid.

I've seen alot of animals on tv from whitetail, muley & elk fall dead in their tracks after being shot with a 300. Matter of fact I saw on Gore Tex Outdoors about 3 weeks back, this guy shot a muley at 250 yards on the side of a mountain & the deer just fell & turned right side up with his hoofs sticking straight up in the air. That animal fell like that because of good bullet selection & proper shot placement. I myself want to buy a 300 wsm for future trips out west for things like elk & muleys, I wouldn't use it here in SC. No need for it.

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That has some validity to it but a .30-06 will drop them just as dead. For that matter so will a .270 or any other standard round. Shot placement and a good expanding bullet is important.

Ive killed so many deer with a .30-06 that I honestly couldn't recall a number. Ive only had one run and she made it about 15 yards.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


The reason alot of folks shoot the mags is not due to the size or to brag about size, but to have the superior ballastic performance at long ranges. I don't currently own any magnums , but have in the past and will say that out past 300yds they perform alot better than the non mag 30cals and therefore I think that folks who shoot long distance alot may be best suited for a magnum.

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Ding ding ding, we have a winner! I shot a 30-06 or 220 Swift for years and never felt like I needed anything else, until I started hunting West Texas where I could routinely spot deer at 400 yards or more. Sometimes I'm able to get closer, sometimes not. If that buck of a lifetime presents himself at long range and I don't have an opportunity to get closer, I want the added edge of a flat shooting, hard hitting magnum in my hands. If you only hunt areas where shots are close, then yes, a big magnum is probably overkill.

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