Guest HaDeRonDa Posted October 28, 2006 Report Share Posted October 28, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] I would venture to say that fewer than 10% of hunters that have magnums will be in one of those situations or have the necessary skills to use the benefits of the cartridge. [/ QUOTE ] And those extra advantages how minimal they may be, because usually they are, are usually just for the individual owning such calibers to boast about their magnumitis. Using large caiblers or even "magnum" rounds are all good. You are trying to kill the animal right? Oh, as long as it's not a 40 MM projectile that you cram up a game animals butt and them you pray that there is meat left eat. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VTbowman Posted October 28, 2006 Report Share Posted October 28, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I had always used a someone elses gun when deer hunting. Borrowed from my dad, uncle, step-father a couple times. I hated it but was thankful that I had them to reply on. When I decided I had enough of "someone else gun" I went to buy a good all around deer to moose caliber. I wanted to stay away form the 30,06 because thats what "everyone" had in my area. I leaned towards the 7mm STW. At the time it seemed to be the hot newer caliber. I have intentions of traveling to hunt all sorts of big game, some day, and Im not much of a gun collector, nor can I afford several calibers so I figured buy one gun that can do it all. LOL I was shown a Remington LSS .300 Ultra Mag and absolutely fell in love with it. I slapped a Luepold 3.5-10x50 VarX III on it too. I was serious. LOL I felt I could kill anything in the planet with it. (I know I couldn't but ya know what I mean) I had 100% confidence in its ability and then mine once I started to shoot it. The recoil was stout but my short stocky build was a good fit for it. But ya know I NEVER felt it shooting at deer. I only hunted deer with it. I 100% agree the carts listed above would do the job on deer, even the bigger ones up north but sometime you buy what you want and like not just what gets it done. BTW I now hunt with an 16.5" Encore .300 Win Mag hand gun so I suppose it was not a fluke I liked the bigger calibers... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] So...........tell me.................. Ever shoot a whitetail with your .300 Weatherby?? [/ QUOTE ] Why yes I have. Actually, I have shot a half dozen or so of them from 10 yards out to 400+ yards with the .300 Wby. I have also shot 40 pound deer with my .338 Win Mag during a cull hunt at night. This was a few weeks before going to Colorado for elk. I wanted a "field test" first. It worked very well. Usually, I carry something else though. I have gotten over my magnumitis. I thought it was returning a few years ago when I was contemplating a 338 RUM and/or 375 RUM. But, I am over it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] I have gotten over my magnumitis. I thought it was returning a few years ago when I was contemplating a 338 RUM and/or 375 RUM. But, I am over it. [/ QUOTE ] Are you really?? Big boomers are really fun, AJ. All you need is one. Just one. Nobody'll ever know, AJ. Nobody. Just get one. They're really fun!! Walk toward the light, AJ............walk toward the light. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I hear these voices, "Come to the dark side." "The dark side has more power." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? MORE POWER!!!!!!!! Arr, arr, arr!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bearcat Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I believe that the good ole USA is still a free country. If a person wants to shoot a chipmunk with a .50 caliber BMG that is his business. It is our constitutional RIGHT to own as many and whatever guns that we want. I personally think that the 30-06(100 years old and still goin strong) is the best cartridge ever created. I also like .300 Magnums. They are not CANNONS. What they do is offer a little more of an already great thing(30-06). Adding an extra 100-200 yards reach on the great old 30-06 is just icing on the cake, not overkill. OVERKILL, HMMM, I've never seen a game animal TOO DEAD. The .300 Magnums ruin no more meat than standard cartridges, when PROPER BULLETS and PROPER SHOT PLACEMENT is used. I would rather see one of these so called YAHOOS excercising their constitutional right to bear arms and carrying on the hunting tradition, than listening to the ANTI-GUN, ANTI-HUNTING, ANTI-CONSTITUTION, ANTI-AMERICAN liberal crowd. We, as hunters and gun owners need to stick together and not nit pick each other over what LEAGAL weapons we use to hunt with. We need to get others and especially kids involved in hunting and shooting sports. Believe it or not we are a dying breed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? Bearcat........ I agree with your whole post.....except one thing: [ QUOTE ] Adding an extra 100-200 yards reach on the great old 30-06 is just icing on the cake [/ QUOTE ] That's not the case. least trajectory-wise...........even the .300 Rem. Ultra Mag. only gives about 63 yards more reach when considering point-blank-range on a 10" wital. In other words.......on a 10" be able to hold dead-center and still be in the vital area (somewhere between 5" high or low of center) the .300 RUM allows you to hold dead-on to 394 yards whereas the '06 drops out of the vitals at 331 yards. (This comparison was done using factory Remington Premium Scirocco Bonded ammo figures) The RUM does carry a significantly larger amount of energy at those distances. However the added energy is really not needed to drop a whitetail at that range. I don't feel too much of a need to justify the guns in my safe, Bearcat. Neither do you. I think you're in this with me. I shoot what I shoot because I want to and I can. If recoil bothers someone, then, by all means, back off. If ammo cost is an issue.......30/30 shells are $5.98 a box at Dick's this week (after rebate, of course). If ya wanna maximize your shooting experience........quit running around backwards with the little calibers and step off the porch and shoot with the big dawgs. Sometimes happiness is measured in f.p.s. and ft./lbs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun_300 Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] Bearcat........ I agree with your whole post.....except one thing: [ QUOTE ] Adding an extra 100-200 yards reach on the great old 30-06 is just icing on the cake [/ QUOTE ] That's not the case. least trajectory-wise...........even the .300 Rem. Ultra Mag. only gives about 63 yards more reach when considering point-blank-range on a 10" wital. In other words.......on a 10" be able to hold dead-center and still be in the vital area (somewhere between 5" high or low of center) the .300 RUM allows you to hold dead-on to 394 yards whereas the '06 drops out of the vitals at 331 yards. (This comparison was done using factory Remington Premium Scirocco Bonded ammo figures) The RUM does carry a significantly larger amount of energy at those distances. However the added energy is really not needed to drop a whitetail at that range. I don't feel too much of a need to justify the guns in my safe, Bearcat. Neither do you. I think you're in this with me. I shoot what I shoot because I want to and I can. If recoil bothers someone, then, by all means, back off. If ammo cost is an issue.......30/30 shells are $5.98 a box at Dick's this week (after rebate, of course). If ya wanna maximize your shooting experience........quit running around backwards with the little calibers and step off the porch and shoot with the big dawgs. Sometimes happiness is measured in f.p.s. and ft./lbs. [/ QUOTE ] I agree Strut, I wouldn't trade my .300 Mag or my .300 WSM for anything, I use them because that's what I like to use. Bring on the big guns. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] I agree Strut, I wouldn't trade my .300 Mag or my .300 WSM for anything, I use them because that's what I like to use. Bring on the big guns. [/ QUOTE ] Atta boy!! "Off the porch" is a fun place to live, ain't it?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest ronin Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I agree with Bear but from a slightly different perspective. I personally think that having variety is the spice of life. Sure, an '06 can take down just about anything it hits, but so, too, can a Yugo get you across town like a Porsche. I would rather drive the Porsche. Similarly, I would rather shoot other cartridges over the venerable '06. Does that make the '06 a bad choice? It would be rediculous to conclude as much. So why should any other choice but the '06 be ridiculed? I often get the feeling when viewing this list that if I don't shoot an '06 I'm viewed as a loser. Well, I don't and won't shoot a 30-06 and I have no shortcomings to make up for because of it. I hit what I aim for, 50 to 400 yards. Part of the reason gun sales go up is because of new technology or new choices. New products peak the interest of consumers. Interest drive ups sales. Increased sales tranlates to new and/ or revived shooters. What a great thing! We need more shooters now more than ever. Dragging down choice harms our freedom and our industry. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted October 29, 2006 Report Share Posted October 29, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] I personally think that having variety is the spice of life. [/ QUOTE ] Another member of the "off the porch" gang!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elwood Posted October 30, 2006 Report Share Posted October 30, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I plan on seeing how dead I can make a whitetail with my Ruger #1 45-70 Gov. Why? Because I can, it will be fun, and my freezer is not full yet. My 300 Win Mag has done a great job also. The 7mm-08 is the primary for Whitetails. Got a big gun then show it off and use it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ Posted October 30, 2006 Report Share Posted October 30, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I have no problem with people that use big guns, magnums, whatever. I have a problem with people that think they need the extra performance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun_300 Posted October 30, 2006 Report Share Posted October 30, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] I have no problem with people that use big guns, magnums, whatever. I have a problem with people that think they need the extra performance. [/ QUOTE ] Good point AJ. I love using my big guns, and I know I don't need a .300 WSM or a .300 Win Mag to put down a deer. Moose? I like to have that extra power when hunting an animal that could way over 1,500lbs with an attitude. Both guns will work for deer and moose. If I were to buy a rifle strictly for deer hunting it would not be a magnum, probably a .308 or a 7mm-08. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Xen Posted October 31, 2006 Report Share Posted October 31, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? the only gun i have to hunt deer with is a 7mm rem mag. i had a 30-06 when i was younger, but had to sell it when my wife got pregnant and we had no insurance. i shot my first antelope with the 7mm mag, which dressed out at 95 lbs and was only 100 yards away. placing my shot well dropped it in its tracks and i kept both front shoulders, both rear quarters, and the loins... maybe the gun was too big for the job, but it did the job perfectly. that gun also drops 250-300 lb mule deer in their tracks at 400 yards. some of the larger guns have a lot more options. i don't think people are trying to compensate for things because they want a larger caliber. in my case, it isn't really much of a choice... i have access to a rifle and don't need to buy another one Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJL Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? It's really no different than having a 4-wheel drive vehicle. If you drive properly and take all precautions you'll never need it, but, it's nice to know that it's there if you do. I'm not lucky enough to have an entire gun store in my safe. So I use what I have. My .223 works just fine for groundhogs, so does my 7mm as well as my .460 mag. Sometimes you just need MAXIMUM CARNAGE. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] does my 7mm as well as my .460 mag. Sometimes you just need MAXIMUM CARNAGE. [/ QUOTE ] Ahhhhhh...........another fine candidate for membership in the Off the Porch Gang!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun_300 Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] It's really no different than having a 4-wheel drive vehicle. If you drive properly and take all precautions you'll never need it, but, it's nice to know that it's there if you do. I'm not lucky enough to have an entire gun store in my safe. So I use what I have. My .223 works just fine for groundhogs, so does my 7mm as well as my .460 mag. Sometimes you just need MAXIMUM CARNAGE. [/ QUOTE ] Wow! That'd be fun... groundhogs with a .460 Mag. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iron buck Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I have a whole pile of magnums...........I shoot paper with them & they rarely gio hunting. Stabdard calibers like teh 270-280-30-06 work on everything in teh lower 48 out 2 & for some shooters above 300 yards. That covers 99% of my big game hunting. Although the past few years, my 35 whelen has been my "go to gun" here in PA for bears & deer. Not a magnum, but it does shoot a big, fat ,round 250 grain bullet. And I like the way deer just drop where the stand even from lung shots. One thing I keep reading here is regarding "blowing a deer apart" when using a big magnum. While the high velocity can damage meat.....when using lighter bullets especially...........REALLY big guns, 338 & up do very little damage when shooting the 225+ grain bullets. These bullets are made for bigger game, & do not blow to pieces when they hit a deer. Hit a deer with a 460 wetherby & you will NOT blow it up. Most likely you'll just poke a big fat hole right through it. Not blow meat into the stratousphere Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] I have a whole pile of magnums........... [/ QUOTE ] And the Off the Porch Gang just keeps on growing. Welcome to the fold, Iron Buck!! Looks like I may have to have more T-shirts and bumperstickers made up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
too_pointer Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? I say buy and shoot whatever you want, who am I to say you are wrong It is kind of funny, I now am slowly buying smaller shells to avoid the harsh recoil, and I bet some of you will be doing the same thing in your future too_ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun_300 Posted November 6, 2006 Report Share Posted November 6, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] One thing I keep reading here is regarding "blowing a deer apart" when using a big magnum. While the high velocity can damage meat.....when using lighter bullets especially...........REALLY big guns, 338 & up do very little damage when shooting the 225+ grain bullets. These bullets are made for bigger game, & do not blow to pieces when they hit a deer. [/ QUOTE ] I can agree with that. The biggest deer I've shot, I took two years ago with a .300 Winchester Mag at 17 yards, 180gr bullet. Didn't do any meat damage at all, I've saw deer shot my my relatives that have had a LOT more damage than mine! They all shoot .308, .300 Savage, .270 Win, .30-06... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iron buck Posted November 7, 2006 Report Share Posted November 7, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? Welcome to the fold, Iron Buck!! Looks like I may have to have more T-shirts and bumperstickers made up. [/ QUOTE ] LOL..............Which should I bring? 7mm Rem Mag, 300 Win Mag, 300 WBYmag, 338 win mag or my 375HH mag? Or ALL OF THE ABOVE???? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strut10 Posted November 7, 2006 Report Share Posted November 7, 2006 Re: Mosquito with a Cannon? [ QUOTE ] LOL..............Which should I bring? 7mm Rem Mag, 300 Win Mag, 300 WBYmag, 338 win mag or my 375HH mag? Or ALL OF THE ABOVE???? [/ QUOTE ] Anything with a big ol' belt on the bottom & burns powder a hatful at a clip is welcome at the Strut10 Ranch shootin' range. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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