Mosquito with a Cannon?


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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

I have several magnums in my safes. I try to buy two to three new rifles a year, but sometimes I only get one. Most of them are still in the boxes never opened. I hunt the so called "northern deer" as well antelope, elk, and muleys every season. The largest rifle I have set up to hunt is an old BDL Remington Chambered in 7mm Rem mag. I haven't used it in years. My go to rifles are the 243, 25-06, 257wby mag, and the .308 win. I have taken many many animals with the .308 win and some were at rather impressive distances. If you look at the numbers of the .308 win you'll notice they are very, very similar to that of the 30-06 and in thesame case as the 7mm-08, 260, and the 243. I have no problems with hunters shooting the big guns but it does seem like overkill when you hear of a southern hunter shooting a 30 cal belted magnum. Do what you want though. I have a very dear friend that lives in Miami Florida and unts in southern Ga and insists on shooting a .338 win mag for everything. I just chuckle when he mentions that gun and go on about my business. To each his own I guess.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


I have several magnums in my safes. I try to buy two to three new rifles a year, but sometimes I only get one. Most of them are still in the boxes never opened. I hunt the so called "northern deer" as well antelope, elk, and muleys every season. The largest rifle I have set up to hunt is an old BDL Remington Chambered in 7mm Rem mag. I haven't used it in years. My go to rifles are the 243, 25-06, 257wby mag, and the .308 win. I have taken many many animals with the .308 win and some were at rather impressive distances. If you look at the numbers of the .308 win you'll notice they are very, very similar to that of the 30-06 and in thesame case as the 7mm-08, 260, and the 243. I have no problems with hunters shooting the big guns but it does seem like overkill when you hear of a southern hunter shooting a 30 cal belted magnum. Do what you want though. I have a very dear friend that lives in Miami Florida and unts in southern Ga and insists on shooting a .338 win mag for everything. I just chuckle when he mentions that gun and go on about my business. To each his own I guess.

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That's pretty funny. A 338 win mag in the south. smile.gif

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


Hey it coulda been a 338 Ultra Mag. LOL

Now thats some fun too...

Wish I could get it in encore pistol bbl length.

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You may be wishing for a bit much.

My wife's uncle has a .338 RUM he uses on elk and bears. He's been a super avid shooter & hunter all his life. I've not gotten any bench time with his rifle, yet. But he claims it's not much fun. Free recoil figures to be just a couple ft/lbs less than my .375 Wby. I can imagine, witout the right pad, it could be a booger. Not so sure I'd want that round twisting my wrist. crazy.gif

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?



That's pretty funny. A 338 win mag in the south. smile.gif

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Seems perfectly logical to me. confused.gif

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Strut, there is nothing in the southern woods that would require a .338 win mag. Unless you come across Bigfoot or something. LOL!!!!! Yes we have black bears & stuff but any fast .30, 7mm or .270 will kill any bear below the mason dixon line. A 300 win mag is WAY TOO MUCH gun for hunting down here much less a .338. The only logical reason I could even see anyone using a .300 is if you're in a flat place like Texas taking 400 yard shots or if you're taking 400 yard shots in some of the bean fields down south.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

For your information.................

"........the .338 Winchester Magnum is the perfect Armadillo rifle........" quoted directly from the Nov. 06 "Off the Porch" newsletter.

Those little critters are tough as a Sherman Tank and I personally would reccommend no less than a 30 cal magnum.

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


The only logical reason I could even see........

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Well, see......................there ya go. Don't be using no steenking logic. That's not a trait that's smiled upon amongst us Off the Porchers. smirk.gif

A .338 Win. Mag. and a 100 lb. Florida buck seems like a match made in heaven to me. wink.gif

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Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?


Well all ihave is 7 mmrum is that enough ? or do i need to upgrade to a 300rum? could use another gun.

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Any round that can hold 100 grains of powder definitely qualifies.

Welcome to The Gang!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

P.S. An extra .300 RUM hanging around never can hurt. Time to go shopping!! wink.gif

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Guest bbarnett51

Re: Mosquito with a Cannon?

Browning Medallion 300 win. mag for me. I do enough tracking while bowhunting. I hardly ever gun hunt but when I do, I want to make sure the deer doesn't take a step after it is shot.

But seriously guys, those little calibers are cute. grin.gif

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  • 8 months later...
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I'm confused. In the start of the thread you said you use a 30-06, but were saying that a 300 WSM was too much. They shoot the exact same bullet. The latter only shoots it a little faster and flatter. The WSM recoil is very manageable, just as manageable as a light weight 30-06. I am going to use 300 RSAUM this year and probably won't shoot over 100 yards, but it will still put the same size hole as a .308 Win and no one would call a .308 overkill. My 300 doesn't have any outrageous recoil at all. Is the basis for these comments directly related to recoil?

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  257bob said:
I'm confused. In the start of the thread you said you use a 30-06, but were saying that a 300 WSM was too much. They shoot the exact same bullet. The latter only shoots it a little faster and flatter. The WSM recoil is very manageable, just as manageable as a light weight 30-06. I am going to use 300 RSAUM this year and probably won't shoot over 100 yards, but it will still put the same size hole as a .308 Win and no one would call a .308 overkill. My 300 doesn't have any outrageous recoil at all. Is the basis for these comments directly related to recoil?

Now that sounds like a man that oughta be applying for OTPG membership. ;) You'd be a shoe-in!! :D

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  257bob said:
I'm confused. In the start of the thread you said you use a 30-06, but were saying that a 300 WSM was too much. They shoot the exact same bullet. The latter only shoots it a little faster and flatter. The WSM recoil is very manageable, just as manageable as a light weight 30-06. I am going to use 300 RSAUM this year and probably won't shoot over 100 yards, but it will still put the same size hole as a .308 Win and no one would call a .308 overkill. My 300 doesn't have any outrageous recoil at all. Is the basis for these comments directly related to recoil?

Yep, recoil is the major basis for this debate. Thus scope was born. There are a lot of standard cartridges out there that are just as deadly without the "Magnum" label. Granted if you're up northing hunting bear a Mag could be important but in most cases they simply are not required. Faster and flatter dont do much in 100 yards yet (in most cases) you have added recoil.

Is it just overkill to feed the flows of testosterone? Is it the "My Guns bigger than your gun" syndrome? Who knows. Its just something I dont totally understand. As I stated many moons ago, our deer average around the 100lb mark and shots are typically taken at or less than 100yds. A magnum simply seems like overkill, especially because of ammo price!

You can drag the same boat to the lake with a half ton or a semi..... Both would be perfectly effective but which makes more sense? :D

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I don't know if it's testosterone or "mines bigger than yours". I would compare it to the guy looking for a faster bow. The average bow shot is only 18 yards. Why does everyone want a 300 fps bow when a recurve shooting 180 fps will do the job. Why do most draw 65-70# when 40# will do the trick. Do you shoot a 40#-50# bow? I would venture to say that probably most of the "scopers" who don't see the need for all the extra power, speed, and recoil (if they bow hunt also) are pulling more draw poundage than it takes to kill a deer at their average shot yardage. I know this is rifle page and sorry to bring in archery, but this is how I can relate it. I love to shoot guns (all guns), pellet guns and Ultra mags. Will a .223 kill a deer? Sure with proper placement of the shot. Will a 35# bow kill a deer? Sure with proper shot placement. I normally don't shoot my deer over 100 yards (I also like to sneak in as close as I can and be a "HUNTER"), but when that 200" Kansas whitetail stands up 450 yards away at last light, that .243 or 30-06 is just going to leave me broken hearted. I know the Ultramags and even Mags are overkill 99% of the time and shoulders are sore after sighting in at the range, but wouldn't it all be worth it if you had the capability of capitalizing on that 1% opportunity. Just my two cents.

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  257bob said:
but when that 200" Kansas whitetail stands up 450 yards away at last light, that .243 or 30-06 is just going to leave me broken hearted. I know the Ultramags and even Mags are overkill 99% of the time and shoulders are sore after sighting in at the range, but wouldn't it all be worth it if you had the capability of capitalizing on that 1% opportunity. Just my two cents.

Actually the .243, .270, .280, .308, .306 and many others are more than enough at 200 yards. The .30-06 was a 1k yard military round from its inception!

Lets take a look at three standard cartridges using Winchester Super X (standard soft nose bullets) on all three.

* .243 with a 100grn round ===>

200yds still flies at 2449 fps

200yds still carries 1332 ftlbs

and when sighted an inch high at 100 is 2" low at 200yds.

Will still kill any whitetail at 200yds.

* .270 with a 150grn round ===>

200yds still flies at 2336 fps

200yds still carries 1817 ftlbs

and when sighted an inch high at 100 is 2.4" low at 200yds.

Will still kill any whitetail at 200yds.

* .30-06 with a 150grn round ===>

200yds still flies at 2265 fps

200yds still carries 1708 ftlbs

and when sighted an inch high at 100 is 2.4" low at 200yds.

Will still kill any whitetail at 200yds.

Thus proving that any of these smaller (or SCOPER cals) are more than plenty.

As far as bows, there is a lot more to the draw weight than stated. Keep in mind that draw length greatly effects the speed and KE of a bow. You're looking for a wound channel with a bow and the most ideal is a pass through. You can shoot a 40lb bow using the lightest arrows made and it will probably out speed a lot of heavier draw weights but that doesn't do anything for the Kinetic energy.

Also, you have to look at the broadheads people use. There isn't a chance I would ever shoot any mechanical out of anything less than a 60lb draw. The energy is simply required IMHO and cant be found in anything less. That cant be said about firearms. You're looking for controlled expansion and weight retention no matter the cal.

Most people these days have went to carbon arrows. They are lighter and shot out of the same bow as heavier arrows will typically offer less impact if using the same heads, setup, etc. Err go, speed becomes a great asset IF all of the math is done to figure up the spine of the arrow, best weight for the head, but being sure to include particulars such as draw and arrow length.

Will a 40lb recurve kill a deer, you better believe it. They have for years. But how many people shoot carbons out of Recurves or long bows. Id bet not many. Most will probably shoot aluminum or cedar shafts. Even at lower speeds, because of the weight of the projectile, you have a lot of energy.

Could people shoot a heavier arrow out of a compound and slow things down? Sure. Will they? Not likely. The flatter the arrow flies the better. Unlike firearms where you see a minor difference in POI in say 200yards, archery equipment is greatly affected by distance, particularly anything over 30 yards.

That said, if you had two rifles setup. Ones POI didn't change much in the 100 to 150yard mark but the other dropped feet in that distance, most people would choose the flatter. But when you're talking fractions of an inch up to a margin of a couple of inches in 200yards, it simply doesn't make that much of a difference.

IMHO... ;)

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