Your Opinions.........

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Well on our 350 acre property, they are putting in 4 gas wells as we speak. It is unbelievable the amount of change you can see in a week. They are putting nice roads all around the boarders of our property and even putting gravel all the way up to the top of our property. Im glad they are doing it now so by the time spring is here the work will be done and can settle until the fall rolls around so the deer can get used to it. They are planting Imperial Alfa Rack on the roads they cleared so we are making out pretty good. The only thing i do not like is they are graveling our main 4 wheeler trail that goes through the woods and to the top of our property. This will be convientent but will the gravel have any effect on the way deer move? I doubt it will, but what do you think? It kind of takes away from the lay of the land to see a gravel road going through the woods. Lets hear your comments!!! Thanks

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Re: Your Opinions.........

I have a 1000' gravel driveway that runs through the middle of a thicket. There are deer trails that cross the driveway all the way up the driveway. Doesn't bother them in the least. In fact on several occasions, I have seen them walking almost allthe way up the driveway. They love it!


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