Yahoo! I broke tradition!


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Well this is my 6th year bowhunting and the last 5 years I've gotten a deer from the same stand. I broke that tradition last night grin.gif Just a few facts before the story:

1st deer with new bow grin.gif

3rd buck with bow in 6 years bow hunting wink.gif

Broke the drought of no buck, archery or shotgun, last 2 years cool.gif

Ok, here's the story. I'll post photos later on when I'm home. So about 4pm I head tothe climber that Andy had moved by the scrape, the one I posted about yesterday. About 1 mile walk later through a muddy corn field, I climb up about 20 feet, get settled, and start waiting. I was expecting the buck to come off the hill in front of me as they bed up there, but there is a bedding area down behind me so I was watching both places. I was feeling a little optimistic and when I got in the stand, I said a prayer to God, asking that if it was His will tonight, Hed bless me with a deer, and if not, it's His will to wink.gif So time passes and I read down to check the time on my watch in the pack - says 5:34pm. I stick it back in, zip the pocket and then I don't remember if I heard a stick crack or God just told me look behind you, but I look behind me and about 30 yards away is a buck! He feeds around, looks behind him, and out comes another buck! I stand up and have m bow in hand. The first buck has a short, narrow rack, the second buck has a narrow but taller rack, not sure how many points, but I wasn't going to be choosey. I'm praying "please God" grin.gif The first buck works his way right up to the hemlock with the scrape. I turn a little, then the buck rears up on his hind legs and sticks his rack into the branch! Very cool, and I draw my bow. He stands back and was sniffing the ground I think, I put my 10 yard pin on him and thwap! I see that arrow hit him and he takes off. The hit looked a little high but not too high, and i had aimed slightly high anyway because of being higher up than usual. I get the climber down which seems to take forever,lol, and I tried not to shake myself off the tree grin.gif I walk over to find the arrow stuck in the scrape, covered in blood. Ok, I had to have hit this deer good. I look around, find some blood, find his tracks in the ground, start to slowly follow his tracks. Where's all the blood? Did I hit him too low or miss him? I swear I hit this deer, I saw the arrow go in him! This is all racing in my mind. Well about 30 yards on his trail, I start to find some blood...then a little bit of stomach matter. Oh great, I gut shot this deer, how did I hit him that far back? Well there was some blood with bubbles to so I had to have hit some lung. I'm really slow following the trail, then I find where he stopepd running and started walking, now I'm about 15 yards from the other stand down the logging trail. Now there is a bunch of blood and a line of stomach matter. I go under this dead tree, look up and there he is! He's dead! Woohoo! I go over, find he has 4 points on one side, 3 on the other = a 7 point. My second biggest buck ever, though he is just a trophy as any deer and I'm so proud of him! Find out I actually made a betetr shot than I did as he had been quartering away from me when I shot although it had been hard to tell, so the entrance wound hit a little back and high but exited a little lower and near the opposite shoulder, so I had a decen shot after all. Must have nicked the stomach going through but it wasn't too bad actually. I get him cleaned, called home on the radio. Waiting for Andy to come home from work and come help me. I did managed to drag him about 200 yards out of the woods so wait for Andy. so I didn't get to bed until quarter to 11 last night but it was worth it. Photos to come later! wink.gif Sorry for the book I just wrote tongue.gif

Oh and I forgot to mention - when those bucks were coming in, my heart was pounding so hard, I literally thought it was going to jump out of my chest or the deer would hear it! Holy cow,lol! grin.gif

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Re: Yahoo! I broke tradition!

Great Job Ruth, wasn't it you a couple of weeks doubting yourself? grin.gif Congratulations, sounds like a great hunt too, way to break in your new bow. Can't wait to see pictures!!

As for that pounding in your chest, that was buck fever but you closed the deal, something magical that bucks give a hunter, great feeling! smile.gif

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