"Official" Post Colorado Trip Thread

Team Realtree

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

I am setting at a roadside park out of Amarillo right now. All I will say is there was a kill made Monday evening. Pics and stories will be posted later.

Glad to hear you are OK Tony.

Big THANKS to Steve B. He went above and beyond the call of duty to make this hunt a success. Thanks.

It was great to meet the members I hadn't met before, and to see the old faces again, also.

More will come later. I have close to 300 pics, but they probably won't be up until Monday.

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


I am setting at a roadside park out of Amarillo right now. All I will say is there was a kill made Monday evening. Pics and stories will be posted later.

Glad to hear you are OK Tony.

Big THANKS to Steve B. He went above and beyond the call of duty to make this hunt a success. Thanks.

It was great to meet the members I hadn't met before, and to see the old faces again, also.

More will come later. I have close to 300 pics, but they probably won't be up until Monday.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right on! Can't wait to see pics and the story! cool.giflaugh.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

sure wish i could have made it guys. frown.gif i have never felt that bad in 10 years. i sure wish i could have let you all know what was going on.

it nice to know everyone was concerned, but i made it home ok. except for the few stops i had to make to do 1 or the other. wink.gif

actually i spent the next 3 days at home sick. frown.gif

what was that secret weapon bait you guys caught them trout on.. man now im really getting upset. big trout and fun and im no where to be found..

im glad you guys had a good time. i am really enjoying the pics..

Shoot Strong


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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

Lol. Doen't surprise me that SteveB pulled out the ol' elk call. grin.gif He got me w/ it too...except in front of the "Tales of the Hunt" camera and NAHC business manager Dave Maas! Ah, the memories. Wish I could have been out there with y'all!


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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

OK !! Luke is now home..... I was suppose to be home last night but this kept me overnight in Ohio.. frown.giffrown.gif .... This is what Steve B. and I woke up to in Denver... crazy.gifcrazy.gif and pushed all of the flights back bigtime causing me to miss my connection in Ohio... frown.gif



Which wasn't cool at all considering my wife (Tammy) went into surgery early this morning and I didn't arrive home until 2:00 PM this afternoon... frown.giffrown.gif

Anyhow, man what a trip this was,,, those of you that missed it,,, man you missed out bigtime. I'm definately glad to be home tho.... wink.gif

I would like to THANK Steve B. especially for all of his hospitality and effort that went into this trip.... THANKS BUDDY !! and of course I can't forget Scott our BOSS MAN.... wink.gif

It was great to finally get to meet some people and put some faces with the names.... Meeting Steve (buckee) was really a treat, what a great guy... Meeting Scott H. was definately my pleasure as well you couldn't ask for a better guy...

Also in the group was, texastrophies, snapper, pudd, Silvertip Co. and his daughter, these folks are definately TOP quality people and it was a pleasure to meet and visit with them.

OH BY THE WAY !! I was there when snapper brought in his Elk,, and I have some great pictures but you all will just have to wait on him to tell his story... grin.gifgrin.giftongue.gif all I'll say is WOW !! and CONGRATS !! snapper...

I have 124 pictures to share with you all but Im not quite sure how Scott would like them posted.... so I'll hold off on them for abit but will share my favorite few.... wink.gif

I want one of these in a bad way.... grin.gifgrin.gif




Man he was a tease.... he posed just like he was in the movies.... smirk.gif

Well for now thats it,,, but stay tuned for alot more photo's..... wink.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


nice pictures, guys. luke and i got home today, friday. luke's wife was in surgery today, so can we all say a prayer for his wife, tammy? hope all went well, luke. and thanks for all the help around camp. and greg got a .... well, we'll wait for greg.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's Gregg with 2 G's Steve grin.gifgrin.gif

I got a few questions for ya. How many people have blown into that home-made elk call?...and...have you ever washed it ...LOL grin.gif

Did you manage to get snapper or Pudd with it?, or are they much smarter than me ...LOL grin.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

OH !! and Steve B. ,,, NO MORE of those darn Mountian Passes .... crazy.gifcrazy.gif my knuckles are still white as heck .... tongue.giftongue.gif

Has anyone ever been 14,000 + feet and look out the passenger window to see only a verticle drop ?? It ain't pretty ,,,, crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Scott and Buckee would have loved that Cumberland Pass..... If they thought Cottonwood was a delight... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

Glad to see you guys back. I saw the weather reports and knew some more bad stuff had come in. Thanks Steve for everything you and Luke did to set up camp. Without you guys, we might still be up there trying to survive. It was nice to have you two and Charlie up there (folks who knew what they were doing and making sure all of us green horns were taken care of).

You can have those passes (Cottonwood, Cumberland, etc.). Great views, but not fun to drive over in those conditions.

So Steve B., I guess you got a trailer rented? Did everyone get out with all their equipment in one piece? I was very excited to hear about Snapper and his elk. Can't wait to read and see what it was.

Luke. Thanks man. You really worked your tail off and I appreciate it. And yes you do snore. Not as loud as Buckee, but you do. As far as your pics go, start posting them here. I'm going to keep this thread sticky for a while and it will be read and followed for quite some time.

This trip was a memory I will have forever. One day last week, both Steves, Luke and I were hanging out in camp and I mentioned to them how the internet has changed our lives and made the world smaller. It's true. Without it (the internet) none of us would know each other. I would have probably never had the chance to spend 4-5 days in the Rocky Mountains. I would have never met Steve Beilgard or hunted with him in Wyoming for antelope. Think about it. No TN, OK, NY, CO, get togethers.

We have a good thing going here in these forums. Let's continue to build it and get together when we can. I look forward to the next one. S

PS. Luke, prayers go out to your wife for a safe and strong recovery.

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

Sorry guys, I had to pop back out to work after supper tonight, and didn't get a chance to properly welcome you home. That was some snow you had in Denver.

It was great being able to meet new friends and see some old ones as well. My thanks to Luke and Steve B also for the wonderful time, and thanks for letting me hold your fish Luke grin.gif

I've got this growth on my lip Steve...what do I do? Put flour on it? grin.gif

It's awesome that snapper connected. cool.gif I thought maybe it was Pudd, because I thought he had next crack. I guess snapper must have won the arm-wrestle. grin.gif I can't wait for the story and pics.

I'll be praying for your sweetie also Luke.

Welcome home guys

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

THANKS,, guys.. Tammy is home and resting well, and I'll be sure to let her know that you all are thinking of her....

Here's some pics for you all to enjoy.... wink.gif

Here's the reservoir that Buckee and I were catching those great Rainbows from, as you can see the views are just spectacular...








Here's one with buckee giving those Rainbows "The you know who's BOSS thing"... grin.gif


Here's a couple with Scott scouting the trout stream for buckee and I.



Here's just some of the great views from our camp that we had the honor of viewing on a dailey basis.... ooo.gif



















Here's one of the Cottonwood Pass you had to drive in order to get to camp.... Scott and Steve just loved this part of the drive.... grin.gif


A few pics of the inside of our accomendations that Scott, Steve K. and I got to share..





Buckee doing some low matinence on our RT sign after the snow...




This is just priceless, buckee demostrating the SPECIAL Elk call..... grin.gifgrin.gif



The BOSS Scott, enjoying a Saturday of college football tailgating, in Elk Camp...



Here's a few shots of buckee attacking that trout stream after Scott's dillagent scouting trip.... wink.gif




Here's a great shot of a father and daughter team, that I was very proud to see... this is Silvertip Co. (Charlie ) and his daughter (Ericka),,, hope I spelled that right...



Here's a couple of buckee making light of poor Steve B. broken trailer.... grin.gifgrin.gif...... HECK, we needed another sign anyhow.... grin.gif



Buckee and texastrophies devising a plan of attack,, grin.gif


Here's what a storm looks like moving in from the mountians,, and boy doe's it move in fast..... crazy.gif



The after affects of that storm,,,




Here's buckee trying to figure out what happened to the rest of this Elk..... grin.gifgrin.gif


The enterance of our Great Camp...



Here's a few shots of the lowland as Steve B. and I headed for Denver....













And my favorite,,, a nice heard of Big Horn Sheep,, and boy did that Ram love to pose... grin.gif




As you noticed Scott I didn't post any pics of Tin Cup,, I'll leave that little tidbit to you..... grin.gifgrin.gif

OH YEAH,,, I do have those great pics of snappers Elk also,, but that will be his story to tell.... tongue.gifgrin.gif

Hope you all enjoyed my trip to Colorado,,, I had a BLAST and met some truely great people.... cool.gifsmile.gif

THANK-YOU GUY'S,, this is a memory I'll NEVER forget and will always cherish....

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