"Official" Post Colorado Trip Thread

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

The stream trout were not (and did not) coopoerate. The trout that were caught were the ones schooling in the reservoir. At that point they relied on some guys that had come up there for several years and they used Berkley power baits on a split shot rig (Wasn't that the rig guys? Correct me if I'm wrong).

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


OH !! and Steve B. ,,, NO MORE of those darn Mountian Passes .... crazy.gifcrazy.gif my knuckles are still white as heck .... tongue.giftongue.gif

Has anyone ever been 14,000 + feet and look out the passenger window to see only a verticle drop ?? It ain't pretty ,,,, crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Oh yeah! There were a couple of those we went on during our trip to Colorado last summer. We actually went twice. I thought it was awesome! The only bad thing is what to do when two cars meet on a one-groove road and it is 14,000' down the one side. grin.gif

Great pictures Luke!

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


The stream trout were not (and did not) coopoerate. The trout that were caught were the ones schooling in the reservoir. At that point they relied on some guys that had come up their for several years and they used Berkley power baits on a split shot rig (Wasn't that the rig guys? Correct me if I'm wrong).

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YEP !! that's correct Scott it was Berkley Power Bait,, anf those guys were totally awsome and a great help.

buckee, just so you know, that big brown is still in that darn stream waiting for ya.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Matt,, now try that pass with a foot of snow and ice,,, crazy.gifcrazy.gif that Steve B. is one crazy dude. We got almost to the top and had to turn around and go back because the last few hundred yards was snowed in and unpasssable.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif,, I think my stomach is still back there somewhere... grin.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread



The stream trout were not (and did not) cooperate. The trout that were caught were the ones schooling in the reservoir. At that point they relied on some guys that had come up their for several years and they used Berkley power baits on a split shot rig (Wasn't that the rig guys? Correct me if I'm wrong).

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YEP !! that's correct Scott it was Berkley Power Bait,, and those guys were totally awesome and a great help.

buckee, just so you know, that big brown is still in that darn stream waiting for ya.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Matt,, now try that pass with a foot of snow and ice,,, crazy.gifcrazy.gif that Steve B. is one crazy dude. We got almost to the top and had to turn around and go back because the last few hundred yards was snowed in and unpasssable.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif,, I think my stomach is still back there somewhere... grin.gifsmirk.gif

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Those other hunters/fisherman we met down at the lake were awesome guys. Apparently one of their relatives still has a cabin in Tin-cup. They come there every year to hunt and fish.

The one fella's name is Don McBride, and owns and operates Logan County Asphalt CO., in Guthrie, Oklahoma. We traded business cards.

The trout were climbing on for those guys really good when we first got there. We were using crank baits, ...mepps, and buzz-bombs, with no success at all. The older fella (forget his name now blush.gif) offered to hook us up with the right stuff. He told me where his tackle box was and told me to go over and help myself. Now that's hospitality.

As soon as we got hooked up and fishing, I went up to the truck and got some of my blacktail pepperoni, that I brought, and hooked them up with that. grin.gif Then of course, out came the Oklahoma deer jerky grin.gif

I had 5 or 6 strikes on my bait, while I was busy chewin the jerky with these guys. That was just as good as catching fish in my book. grin.gif

That Power bait on a small hook about 2-1/2 ft from the split-shot is the ticket for catching those rainbows alright. It's just too bad the bight went off, shortly after we got hooked up. You could stand in the cold all day with that beautiful view starring you in the face though. grin.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

luke, i thought you'd have quit snivveling and wimpering by now. lol. those passes were in good shape, i drove carefully, and we didnb't have any troubles. you should see some of my predicamets... no, never mind. you probably shouldn't.

sorry to hear you didn't get home on time for tammy. and, i'm glad it all went well with her, and hope she's recovering just fine. we're all praying for her.

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


Just curious...did rifleman (Brian) make it to camp on Monday night? confused.gif

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Nope,, he didn't make it... frown.giffrown.gif

And Steve B. it will be quite some time before I recover from that Cumberland Pass .... tongue.giftongue.gif I'm just sorry I was too chicken to look down long enough to take a few pictures of a 14,000+ foot verticle drop... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

OH !! and buckee you'll be happy to know I safely brought home a package of that Blacktail Pepperoni, and man everyone here is addicted to it.. I actually had to hide some... grin.gifgrin.gif THANKS MAN !!

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


Luke, Not sure if you've looked through this entire thread, but I posted a couple of links to the movie I took of Buckee cleaning the RT sign and a couple of you cutting wood with a special visitor. S

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LOL.. I sure did look at every post Scott.. wink.gif

Man that Grizzly almost had me too, except my axe was too sharp for him.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Didn't you have something special planned for Steve B. ???..... smirk.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


OK, let's try a little movie from the trip. Our RT Camp signs were covered in snow Sunday morning and Buckee volunteered to get out in the cold and work hard to clear them up. Watch how he gets his gloves ready!

Click Here

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You mean this Scott,, I didn't miss it..... wink.gifwink.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread


And no Luke. This is the one I thought you had missed:


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LOL,, nope I didn't miss that one, and the wife almost pulled some stitches when I showed it to her... grin.gifgrin.gif Man, that one came out great, and I was glad I didn't get caught on that call.... smile.gif

It was great to be able to review all of the great photo's and reflect on the good time we had, after my miserable experience home,,,, the dang airport in Cincinnati damaged my rifle case(lucky they didn't hurt my rifle) and having my jacket stolen, so now I need to buy a new hunting jacket... frown.giffrown.gif

Would I do it again ??? YOU BET !! IN A HEARTBEAT... ..... cool.gifsmile.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

LOL.....................maybe it's a good thing I DIDN'T get to go. Especially if you get put on YOUTUBE!!!!! ooo.gifblush.gifgrin.gif

Great pics Luke. Sorry this stupid house-building got in the way of the trip. frown.gif

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Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread

I got all 314 of my pics uploaded, but will wait for Snapper before I post the link to them.

Gregg & Pete tried to leave on Thursday morning, but got snowed in at Colorado Springs and had to spend an extra night there. They finally got out of Colorado on Friday morning, so hopefully Gregg will get on tomorrow, who knows when Pete will make a post. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Will post some of my experiences and pics of the trip on Monday. Have a good weekend. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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