
Guest Smity

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Re: Broadheas?

Basically they are all good's where you put them is what counts. Also depends on what your rig will shoot well. I used to use Muzzys for many many years but always seemed to have to tweak them and switch them around to mate them to a certain arrow. I moved to Slick Tricks and have not had that problem since. I practice out to 40 yards with them and they fly true from my set up and produce an awesome entry and exit hole. Try different ones..maybe borrow one or two of each from friends and givem a go. Good luck

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Guest RisingSunOutdoors

Re: Broadheas?

I'm a big fan of Magnus Stinger broadheads myself. A strong cut on contact and sharp broadhead that files extremly well.

We have shot Muzzy in the past and had a couple penetration issues with lower poundage (under 45 lbs) bows, so we looked for another BH to use.

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Re: Broadheas?

I've tried several brands, but keep coming back to shoot 3 blade 100 grains.

I just can't bring myself to pay near double the cost of Muzzys for a broadhead. wink.gif

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Re: Broadheas?


my dad has had real good results with the rage 32 blade 100 grain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could you ask your dad where he got these 32 blade broadheads? grin.giftongue.gif Sorry I had to.

Anyways, I switched to the Rage 2 blade braodheads this year, but haven't shot anything, although they do fly exactly like my field points. The past 2 years I used Grim Reapers with great success. Like others have said, its not necessarily what kind of broadhead you use, it's where you put it that counts. Good luck.

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