Where to find turkeys this weekend


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So even though it is going to be windy and rainy Saturday, I'd like to go out and give the birds a go. Of course they are the turkeys on the home gorund that don't seem to be too consistent where they roost. i went out like on Monday to look for them, found tracks from the neighbor driving through the woods on his tractor and aTV, so I didn't see any turkeys. With the wind and rain, where should I look? Fields? Ravines? I'm figuring with cut corn, they will be hitting those fields. The corn fields near one of our deer stands i have not seen nay sign of turkey so I don't think they are in that one but I know of another corn field I haven't checked that might be where they are. Any input is appreciated!

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Re: Where to find turkeys this weekend

Fields. Fields. Fields. Turkeys love to hit the fields during/after rainstorms. It aides with being able to see a predator approaching from a distance and it's a great source of food. The cut cornfields might be a good bet as there is usually some leftover grain on the ground. Good luck!

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Re: Where to find turkeys this weekend


Fields. Fields. Fields. Turkeys love to hit the fields during/after rainstorms. It aides with being able to see a predator approaching from a distance and it's a great source of food. The cut cornfields might be a good bet as there is usually some leftover grain on the ground. Good luck!

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Might also check any open beech or oak flats you know of. Turkeys are pretty comfortable in open woods, too, on a windy, rainy day. Doubtful you'll find them working dogwood thickets or grapevine tangles when the weather's crappy.

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