
Guest nyhunter24

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Re: help!!!!!!!!

If it's back in the guts I would wait 8 hours as a general rule. Worse thing you can do is hurry and push the deer. Let him lay down. Let us know how you make out.

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

It was about a 25 yard shot broadside. I know i hit him way too far back. right about the center of the rib cage> i know i should wait the 8 hours but its suppsoed to reeain here in the next 2 hours and I don't want to lose the trail. I got right out of the woods so i didnt spook him.

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

his intiaial reaction was a sligt bound, but he walked straight away after that. his walk was humped and acted as though he was wounded bad. he stopped numerous times and stood there looking around. I wathced him for prolly 20 minutes or so before i lost sight of him

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Re: help!!!!!!!!

Well he should lay up within about 200-400 yards....My experience has been that he will head for cover that is near water. His guts are on fire and he is losing hydration quick and will feel the need to drink and also lay in cover.....

There probably won't be a blood trail either b/c if he's gut hit it will plug the hole and you will find very little blood. All his bleeding will be internal......Make a mental mark of the last place you saw him....If he was liver hit he should have went down after 20 minutes or at least looked like he was hunched up....Are you expecting a hard or light rain? I light rain will actually help the blood trail b/c it makes the bloo more visible, but a hard rain will wash it away. It makes it more visible b/c it makes the blood spots bigger on the leaves....

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

My stand was no more than 300 yards behind 2 hosues, one with a pond and he headed pretty much towards the houses. The rain is supposed to start off light but get progressively worse, they are saying 1-2 inches though tomorrow.

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Re: help!!!!!!!!

He won't go to the pond with the houses unless the pond is a good distance from the houses. If it's gonna rain that hard it's a tough call? Did you go get your arrow? If you got your arrow, smell it and touch it...If there isn't any blood on it, you definitely hit all guts. There would be a fatty slimmy film on the arrow..Also it should stink.... If there is blood all over the arrow I would say you might have hit something vital...

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

when he made his bound the arrow was still in him. he was only 40 past where i shot him when i last saw him so i never went to check the arrow. i called a buddy to come help me track it, but we won;t start out until after 9 eastern time.

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

its now 11. my buddy ditched me so i tried to find him solo. didn't work, i did find my arrow though broken off about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up, 30 yards from where i shot him. i'm calling in to work so i will be up at the crack of dawn. i found no blood where i shot him or where i found the arrow but any that was there will be gone by morning due to the stinkin rain. its not a huge patch of woods so hopefully i will find him. the arrow had hair and blood on it with no smell so here's hopin for some type of vital. i will keep you posted.

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Guest forsythe04

Re: help!!!!!!!!

if the deer was hurt from a normal, good shot, it would almost always go down hill. id say he wasnt hurt by it so hard right off the bat since he went up hill? i hope you find him, goodluck

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Re: help!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you clipped liver. A deer that is shot in the intestines will almost never go up hill. Uphill travel makes hurt intestines hurt worse. So it's good that's the direction he's going. To me that indicates you hit a little further forward than you thought.

If you can't find sign. I'd start walking grids and wear out the shoe leather.

He may have been heading up hill for a vantage point. He probably bedded down where he could watch down hill most effectively.

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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

SUCCESS!!!!! i started where i found the broken arrow and just looked around for a couple minutes. I saw something laying about 50 yards up hill to my right that wasn't as dark as everything else from the rain. I walked up and sure enough there was my deer. Total he was about 100 yards from the origional shot. I am one happy camper let me tell you. I'd like to thank everyone for their help and opinions. Most forums I've been on everyone is extremely critical. Pics to come as soon as i get outta work.

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Re: help!!!!!!!!

you will find there is no tolerance for bashing here at all. some other places allow it, but we sure as heck dont. we are here to try and help each other, not tear each other down.

outstanding job on your part. grin.gif let us know exactly where you shot him. what vitals were hit. if it was center of the rib cage, you got lungs for sure and probably liver.

congratulations to you. grin.gif you worked hard at finding him in the rain.

Shoot Strong


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Guest nyhunter24

Re: help!!!!!!!!

i am absoultely sick right now. i just got back from the butchers and he says the deer's no good. According to him it sat too long with the guts in and now the meat smells like crap. this makes me absolutely sick. i have pics if anyone wants to see but i am just really sickened right now.

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