Contest Scores & Pictures


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arrow32 ..................... (0)

bowtech ..................... (0)

BowtechTurkeyHunter .. (0)

captkb44 ................... (90.7) Coyote (9) Bobcat (1)

Equalizer ................... (0)

fenderhunt4 ............... (0)

Gator ........................ (0)

Gus ........................... (106.5) Fox (5) Raccoon (5) Bobcat (2)

huntin'sonovagun ....... (0)

KTMMIKE ................... (31.2) Coyote (2) Bobcat (1)

longknife ................... (0)

massablake ............... (0)

MonsterBuckMatt ........ (0)

nutz4bucks ................ (0)

NYBUCK ..................... (0)

slughunter ................. (0)

Squirrelhunter91 ......... (0)

superguide ................ (0)

Wacoyote .................. (59.5) Coyote (7)

Each raccoon is worth 4.3 points.

Each coyote is worth 8.5 points.

Each wolf is worth 9.9 points.

Each fox is worth 11.3 points

Each bobcat is worth 14.2 points.

Each lynx is worth 16.5 points.

Each cougar is worth 19.1 points

Place your pictures and stories in this thread. Any other post to this thread will be deleted.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Here's #2. Went to a never been called cattle ranch and the hunt was great but we screwed up pretty badly. Didn't call this one (sort of) we called at it and stopped it and dropped him at 228 yds. His HUGE black girlfriend escaped, my buddy missed. This is a HEAVY dog. Doesn't look to big in the pic but it is heavy. It's front legs and ears were covered with battle scars. Then we called another one right into our laps with Captbk44's call and I didn't see it it time. My partner was trying to tell me where it was since it was my turn but I just couldn't see it. He could have easily blasted him but didn't (very polite). I told him to just shoot next time. He said "You don't need worry about that" LOL. Darn thing was only about 50 yards away!!!! Captbk44's calls work but he must have hexed them. I've blown both dogs I've called in with it!! LOL!!! confused.gif Anyways we split up and my buddy howled one right into his lap. He said this dog was GIANT! He sounded big we heard him howling at first light. Anyways he howled him in and again didn't see him in time. His ARS fell asleep and when he shifted the dog busted him. Soooooo, we should have had 4 but got one. Finally the dogs are responding. I LOVE IT!!!! grin.gif2-06.jpg

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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Like my hat!!! wink.gif. BRRRRR! It's COLD!

Back to slowwwwwwwwwwwww hunting. Hunted hard all day but finally brought this young male in. Totally ignored any distress calls but liked the Howls and KiYi's. Showed himself at 258 yds and I dumped him. grin.gif


Heres the view from where I sat. I saw him Just under the left Ponderosa Pine. Love those long shots. Well, I like close ones too. smirk.gif


You can sort of see him laying in a heap just above the arrow. You'll have yo get out the magnifying glass or just trust me!! LOL.


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

My Dad and I sat in my deer stand this morning with 20+ mph winds out of the WNW. We didn't see any deer so I tried a little calling before leaving. This mangy coyote came in just minutes after playing the jackrabbit blues. Hard to tell in the picture, but I did this one a favor!!!


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Dec 31 afternoon hunt

The wind was blowing a little so I decided to go and sit in a deer stand and see if I could call up anything. I ended up calling up 2 fox, one of them offered me a shot and I took it. Tried calling the other one back, but it never showed back up. The one I got ended up being a male.


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Jan 2 morning hunt

Went back to the same area to see if I could get the other fox to come back in. I had been calling for about 10 minutes or so off and on and was about to go try another spot when I seen movement along the field fence. When the fox stopped and looked my way I let the 22-250 talk. This one is a female, not sure if it is the other one, but she did come in by herself.


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Here's #5. The older I get the uglier I get!! LOL! This is the smallest dog I've ever shot. What a runt. Beautifull fur though!grin.gif Picture aint the best. It was so bright out I could barely see the screen on the camera to see how the pic turned out. I really need a haircut......or something! LOL! smirk.gif05-06_07_.jpg

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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Went out last night before the snow was suppose to hit and had animals coming to the call on all stands but one................except they would skirt out just out of range. Did manage to get this nice bobcat before he got away. It was a weird night of calling to say the least.


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Another long day that barely produced. We got into position about 15-20 before sunup at an "interception" area the dogs pass through after working the river and following the cattle around all night. I sit down and gave 1 lone female howl and here comes this guy right into my lap. I tried to stop him by barking but he just kept coming. He was at 64 yards but when I'm at 14 power he looked much closer. LOL! I saw another who had busted me as I walked to my next set. I sat down put the bipods out and MISSED. I missed a sitting dog at 160 yards!. That really bugs me. I saw another later that day that pretty much ignored me and didn't offer a shot. Well at least I got to unleash the new toy!! We also won $85.00 a piece in a coyote contest we were in. Should have been $170.00 but I couldn't shoot straight today.


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Man, things are picking up. I really blew it on the last two outings though. Had a nice one at 224 yards and I must have pulled the shot. I hit the dog and it went down, got up, ran 20 yards and fell. I went over to shoot his buddy and missed. I got the coyote fever and forgot to bark to get it to stop. Anyways the first dog got up and ran away. I shot about 5 times but couldn't see the bullet strikes as the snow was too deep. Soooooo, I tracked a wounded dog for about two miles until it went into some ground I don't have permission on. I must have had a glansing blow on the head. Not much blood but the dog acted dead for a bit. I just don't know what to think and I'm very unhappy that I missed another easy shot . mad.gif Anyways, on the way home I tried a short set on some railroad tracks where there is a lot of sign and brought this old girl in to 158 yds. Here's #7! grin.gif


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Jan 20 Night Hunt

Was in a predator contest and should have racked up all kinds of points, plus been in the money, but only ending up getting 1 bobcat and a coon. Every stand within 5 minutes eyes would be found, but they would either turn back and go away or just wouldn't come in close enough for a night shot. The cat was the heaviest one in the contest at 19.1# until the last team came in and they beat me out of the money with one that went 22#.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Feb 10 Night Hunt

Got the hunting rack finished for the truck Saturday night about 11:30, so in the truck it went for a trial run. Got out to the place and the first stand called up this grey fox. Went to another stand and called in a bobcat, but I couldn't find it in the dark, so i went back Sunday morning to look some more. I found where the cat was sitting, there was a little blood and some hair, but no cat. I walked in and out of the cedars and looked in and around all the brush for about 2 hours and never did find it, maybe I just grazed it, not sure what happened.


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Re: Contest Scores & Pictures

Well I think Gus and Mother Nature are working a deal together to keep me out of the woods. wink.gifwink.gif Actually we made it out last night for a few stands, even though the winds were howling at 25+mph and storms brewing to the north and west of us. We set up on a hill over looking a plowed field to the north of us, hoping we would pull something out of the thick pasture on the other side. Around the 5 minute mark we catch eye coming in hard from the west. This must have been one starving dog as it was flat running hard towards the call. Now its starts to get funny!!!! She is getting almost too close so I bark at her to try and get her to stop...................I bark and the spot light goes OUT!!!! shocked.gifconfused.gifshocked.gif My buddy got the light plugged back in and on the coyote to see she is running as hard as she can to get out of dodge. I find an opening and when I catch her in the edge of the scope, I shoot. She rolled about 10 yds and was done. One of my best shots ever on a coyote!!! Like they say a blind hog finds and acorn every now and then.


I figure I have one more shot tomorrow to try and catch ya Tonya, but I know you will be out after them too. cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

If my calculations are correct, Gus should have 106.4 points.

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