Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!!


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I have been in Illinois all week, so yesterday I drove to Kansas, met my brother about 3 and put him in a stand. I waited on Jesse and Ginger Morehead, put them in a stand and finally get into my stand about 4.

I rattle and see some does, not interested. About 5:15 some shots are fired on the bridge about 250 yards west and south of me, no biggie, it happens a lot. The vehicle drives north and looks at my car, I can see all this from my stand, they drive about 1/4 mile and turn around, stop by my car and proceed to SHOOT MY CAR about 14 times. It sounded like a .22, but I wasnt sure they were shooting my car, or at the turkeys over there. I didnt worry about it and keep hunting.

I rattle in 2 small bucks just before dark, and a monster 9 pointer. I snort wheezed him into 30 yards, but never had a shot I felt good about. He walked straight away and would have scored about 150.

I walk out after dark to my car to find the windshield shattered and bullet holes in my car all over!

I called the landowners, 3 sons, all lawyers!!!! The sherrif comes out and files a report, takes pics etc.... we pulled a slug out of the car, so they are going to run it, I found a bunch of shell casings and collected them today (CSI style of course).

I will keep you updated about this mess. We are guessing 5000 in damage, pics to follow.


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Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!!

Man thast insane!

I hope for full justice is served on them.

On a funny note I did the same thing to my own car by accident squirrel hunting MANY years ago.

Not that many shots but I put 3 into my side door panels.

Got turned around after hunt a new spot and headed back toward the car without knowing plinking away at squirrels and small game wiht my .22.

I though I herd it but there were several junk cars out there so I piad no heed.

It was sorta funny...

Hope things work out for you.

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Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!!

Hey everyone, just an update, no new news on the rascals.....

On a positive note, we saw 19 bucks today and just got in from eating with Jesse and Ginger and some of the REALTREE boys! We swapped stories, had a blast and filmed for some tv shows.....

Word is Pat Reeve killed a 200" buck today! You didnt hear it from me though.


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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!!


Anti-hunting Liberals. Gotta hate 'em

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto..... Sorry to hear about your car......some sick people in the world.

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Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!!

I always have a camera with a telephoto lense with me in my back pack.

If those fools had showed up in front of me I'd likely have some lovely photos of them for the sheriff.

It takes a real low intelligence quotient to shoot a hunters car. I mean what are these fools thinking? They know the owner is armed and probably knows how to use his weapon. MORONS!!

I'm sorry that the reality of it is they will probably never get caught. I hate stories like this because it scares people out of the woods who would otherwise love to be there frown.gif

I pray these fools suffer the consequences for their actions.

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