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Re: Lumenok

Well guys, me and my brother did last fall and we both were not impressed.

Here was "our" issues with them.

They do light and are brigth.

However they did not fit snuggly enough in our Gold Tip XT5575's. Especailly the GT's with the "lock nocks" factory installed.

Once you shoot they would light 1/2 the time, almost as if it was being pulled back out by the string itself, then my brothers arrows would hit the taget (Delta white foam) and his would pop off and fly on to the lawn.

Not good.

Mine did not pop out but would not stay lit most of the time.

Our bows are both Mathews SQ2 and by no means fast or power houses. So its not that.

Both sets of GT arrows were new that summer.

I wrote the company about this and they told me to put a "dab of super glue on the nock, let it dry, and that would build them up".

We did not like that fix and just sent them back. They refunded our money no questions asked.

I did not like the way they were designed. You actually have to have them pulled out of your arrow a tiny bit and the force of the release is suppose to seat them back and then make the electrical connection with your arrow.

I like the other company (Tracers) who uses magnets to turns theres on and off.

The others are a lot heavier but I forget how much now. I think 14 grains heavier then the Lumenocks.

They seemed to be made better too with aluminium body not molded pastic like the Lumenocks.

I know several guys on here have used them with no isseus and told me so when I complained about mine.. LOL

Good Luck but I would try the Tracer brand over Lumenocks. They are the saem cost...

Oh BTW I did not buy the others so can not report on them...

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