The End of an Era


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During ThanksGiving week I had the privelege of hunting with a great father.

He started me off hunting doing alot of his teaching using the TV of all things. We had a family tradition of watching the TV show "Mutual of Omaha's-Wild Kingdom" together and he would tell me what they were doing right or wrong in his opinion.

He took me with him hunting pheasant and rabbits in Pennsylvania as a youngster and allowed me to carry a BB-Gun at the time. He and all of the other people we hunted with treated me as if I had a 12 gauge in my hands and when there was any kind of hint of a mistake in handling he let me know about it in No Uncertain Terms...and was harder to walk afterwards.

Well over the years we had a relatively strained relationship and didnt hunt much together. In 1998 we started hunting in West Virginia and have been hunting there ever since enjoying alot of success.

I got his passion for Archery fired up again after practicing at his home in Florida. We used his side yard because of the longer shotr possibilities and in no time he had my older bow(Jennings One-Star w/60# limbs) dialed in for himself and I had my new Mathews.

He used it for a couple years and had the chance to even nock a couple arrows and see deer just never shot because he thought they were too far.

Well the Bow is now sitting on my front porch like a lost child looking for a good home...Dad gave it back to me while we hunted in West Virginia. He also said it may have been "His last time hunting anymore" on a couple of occassions. In his life he has always done what he says so I have to believe him when he said it.

I'm sure the best way to pay tribute to

Dad is to donate the bow to DHNA.

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Re: The End of an Era

Looks like you and I grew up watching the same TV show "Mutual of Omaha's-Wild Kingdom" ...LOL. I had a pellet gun instead of a BB-gun though.

That great that you and your dad were able to get back hunting together.

I'm sure the DHNA will be happy with your heart felt donation as well Gary...yer da man grin.gif

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Re: The End of an Era

Sad to read this GW. But I am happy to hear you got to hunt with your Dad. I have only been able to get out with my Dad twice in the last 3 years. Once for doves and once for squirrels. He has never held a bow and never will. He has never hunted deer in fact and he is 67 yrs old. He hasnt been able to get out much but since he had a heart transplant bout 5-6 yrs ago we are thankful he is still around.

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Re: The End of an Era

As I have aged I have learned to appreciate the time I get to spend with my father. He doesn't hunt anymore but is always willing to help me hang a stand, build a food plot, and he loves helping me track a deer.

You will always have the hunting memories you enjoyed with your father. Donating the bow is a great gesture.


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