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I can't figure it out...they showed the poor judgement shot twice, and no one edited it out...what is the deal here...ok, here is my issue...toward the end of the show, an individual that wanted to cross a creek, handed the "barrel" end to the guide, and he held on to the stock of the high powered rifle, and they pulled him through the water while the barrel was pointed at the chest cavity of the other hunter...uggg....if these guys are professionals hunting red stag in New Zealand, than take a hunter safety course.......as soon as their log on will work at their website, I am giving them my other two cents........please young men and women, never use a gun as a tool to get your buns over a creek....unsafe, and unprofessional, and someone could get hurt................al

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That show is a joke. What a bunch of hacks. I boycott it anymore. Ol' Charlie needs to step away from the buffet table a bit for me. He can't even get around to hunt. Seems to me he's always riding around in a vehicle. And ol Dirt, well, what can you say about a dude named Dirt. Too many questionable shots by both these clowns, and I'm getting a little tired of the same guests, Mandrel, and the president of CZ. Come on, shake it up and clean it up Hunting U.

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Definitely goes to show that Money does not buy COMMON SENSE tongue.gif

1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

This is the primary rule of gun safety. A safe direction means that the gun is pointed so that even if it were to go off it would not cause injury or damage. The key to this rule is to control where the muzzle or front end of the barrel is pointed at all times. Common sense dictates the safest direction, depending on different circumstances.

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I called the phone number for the show, and spoke with a young lady, who of course did not know that they did not at least edit that stupidity part....the guys were in Canada....so I gave her in great detail that it occured at the end of the show, and during the credits...and it slaps hunters in the face as lazy, and unsafe...she said that she will call the "guys" in Canada...and let them know my comments..............we will see...........just turned my stomach, Hunter safety teaches us all to respect the weapon, and always treat a gun as if it was loaded...not a tool to get your butt across the creek........uggg...al

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I lost a good friend in my youth who was shot in the chest with a 12 ga.. He was being "helped" up a railroad bank in the same fashion. As kids you may not know as much as you should. As adults you should certainly know better. frown.gif

I have no use for a lot of these shows. Many are just that. They show what buffoons with a camera are all about.

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