Marlin Levergun Owners


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Re: Marlin Levergun Owners

I own an older model 336, in .35 Rem. A friend of mine bought it used, and I picked it up from him. It has the crispest trigger of any gun in my cabinet. It is much better then any other Marlin lever I have ever played with. I have to assume that some trigger work was done on this gun.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: Marlin Levergun Owners

I'm not sure about the Marlin but I bet a little honing would so wonders deep down in the trigger mech. It may not be a job for you, it may. Don't know.

I would bet that fixing the problem is possible. Isn't everything man makes able to be made better?

Is it just the weight of the pull that you don't like? Is there creep?

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Re: Marlin Levergun Owners


I'm not sure about the Marlin but I bet a little honing would so wonders deep down in the trigger mech. It may not be a job for you, it may. Don't know.

I would bet that fixing the problem is possible. Isn't everything man makes able to be made better?

Is it just the weight of the pull that you don't like? Is there creep?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's the weight.

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Re: Marlin Levergun Owners

Talk to your local gunsmith. Any trigger can be made to work better by a competant gunsmith. Finding one that will do it these days may be an issue due to today's sue happy population. Click here for a list of NY gunsmiths.

One thing to keep in mind is the time of year. Most gunsmiths are also hunters. So waiting till right before the season, usually means the worst turn around time. You may chack with some of the Cowboy Action Gunsmiths. It looks like action jobs run about $100-$150.

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