Got one, but w/ bad news....


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This weekend, on Oct. 28th afternoon hunt i shot my first ever buck a big 8 pt. i called him in with an primos estrous can and he was 8 yards away from me...i hit him high and the arrow didnt go through...i shot him with a sidewinder3 but couldn't find blood and didn't hear him fall or see which way he ran b.c the woods were too thick and it was very very windy....we searched everywhere and couldn't find any blood, tracks b/c it was grassy everywhere...I'm sick to my stomach confused.gifmad.gif

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

How far did your arrow penetrate? Without an exit, and a high entry, blood trail would be almost nothing. Did you see how the arrow was sticking out of the deer, was it flat like when shooting from ground, or more vertical like 20ft up in a tree? If your up in the tree, and your arrow is going at a steep angle down, with 5in of penetration you would be starting to get lung. Keep looking to find your arrow, and keep searching for the deer. If its not an issue of having to let a deer lay to expire and backing out to keep from jumping him, keep searching around for any sign of the buck. Dont give up even on marginal shots, it will make you feel better knowing that you searched high and low for the buck and did what you could. It will pay off, either way.

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

Prolly about 18 inches of my arrow went in...just the buck was soo close and slighly quartering away....the arrow was pretty close to sticking out vertically from him w/ a lil angle...i'm sure the deer is dead and i've been looking like crazy w/ people and will keep on looking until I find him...just there is soo much standing corn and open praire grass...i just wish i could find the arrow or some sort of blood trail

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

That sucks bud, keep with it, hopefully you can find him, with eighteen inches of penetration he's dead. And if you didn't push him, hopefully he didn't go too far. It's amazing how the angle of the arrow really affects where you should aim for. Sometime it's better to wait a few seconds for a better angle or not shoot at all, I am sure alot of us has been quilty of this at some point. Hope you find him and better luck next time!

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

Keep searching. I know it seems like a waste, but you'll feel better knowing you did everything you could to retrieve the animal. Make sure to look high on the corn(back height). I had similar hit last year and the only blood I had was where the entrance hole was hitting the corn leaves. It's frustrating but give it everything you can.

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

Just keep looking for him, he should be down within a couplehundred yards. They bleed enternally to start, just look waist high on the trees, he should be blowing blood out within 50 yards or so. I've hit a couple of deer that way, (but had a full pass through) and didn't start bleeding right away. Best of luck to you on finding him.

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

I didn't read all the posts but i didn't take notice to anyone suggesting using a dog to help yea find it. That's what my dad did a few years back and the dog was able to sniff it out.

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

I feel for you buddy. If you got that sort of penetration, he is somewhere to be found. I would not give up. Like others said, grid patterns, and dogs can help. Also listen for coyotes or crows to draw attention to a carcass. Bowhunting is always about improving our skills, and learning. Sorry to hear no luck yet. Let us know if you find him. We are pulling for you.

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Re: Got one, but w/ bad news....

lol i shot a 6 pionter sat evening with the sidewinder 3's. . keep looking good. the deer i hit ran about 80 yards, but tried to cirlce back where he came from.. (a cutover). but also look towards water, deer fatally hit will often run towards a creek, river of some sort.

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