Elusive deer you see in the field


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Anyone ever have deer they see in the field, but never get shots on and the deer seem to somehow avoid your cameras. We have a good 3.5 year old buck I have seen twice now, that has avoided our cameras, but the little 4 point he has occasionally tagging along has had his picture made between our two cameras probably close to 100 times.

Sunday morning thought for sure we would get pics of him when he headed towards our mineral site and the edge of the field, but he just missed the range of our camera. Anyone else get deer they see, but just never can seem to get any pics of?

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Re: Elusive deer you see in the field


I think your elusive deer has a case of the OJRisms--no pictures available, and your other deer has a case of the Buckeeisms, can't get enough of himself. grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Chris, you have it all together today, don't you?? LOL!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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